Monday, July 20, 2015

Pineapple Plan With Me Weekly Layout

I don't know about you but I have been obsessed with watching all the Plan With Me Videos on YouTube. I don't care if they are planning in a Plum Paper Planner, Erin Condren, Limelife Planner, Passion Planner, Inkwell Press Planner or if they plan in Madori Travelers Notebooks, HappiDoris, ConfettiDoris, Fauxdori's or whatever else there is out there. This planner is a puncuate planner from Barnes and Noble and it only has a weekly layout. No monthly ones (which I think is weird).

I grew up with just a monthly layout to use when planning. And even when I got a planner that contained weekly layouts, I never used them. I relied mostly on my memory and the monthly view.

As I get older I see the reason for the weekly layout. Maybe it is just all the Plan With Me videos has pumped that notion into my head.

For this week's layout I  have decided on a pineapple theme. Since I am doing this in my work planner, I don't have access to washi tape. I found these images on Yahoo images and printed them out on one 8.5x11 sheet of paper. Then I cut them out and taped them down. (I did create the teardrops and bulleted list in Adobe Illustrator.)

I thought it turned out pretty cute. Not as professional looking as all those Plan With Me videos but it does serve my own purposes.

I hope you enjoyed my little spread. Let me know what you think.


Toni #ToeKneeDesigns (not a real hashtag but I thought it was clever.)

Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Your 6 Month Check-In for your January Resolutions

Welcome to your six-month check-in!

• How are you doing on your goals from January 1st?

• Do you find you still want the same things that you dreamed of at the beginning of the year.

• Instead of making resolutions about what really made your heart sing, did you make those "should-have" resolutions that come to you in the voices of your mother, father, brother, etc.?

I found myself making a lot of "should-have" resolutions like :
• "I should finish those old cross stitch projects" 
   (I actually did finish 2 of 3 projects that had been laying about.)
• "I should write so many episodes of my story." 
   (I have written a few things in my notebook but I think most of that was from last year.)
• "I should read more books than last year." 
   (I am 26 books behind at this point, I think)

I made goals that I didn't touch in the last six months and goals that I tackled right away. some of my goals have lost the fun and excitement that I originally had for them. I need to learn to enjoy the journey more and not just see these goals as check marks on a huge to-do list.

I used to enjoy coming up with stories. I had the fun in my mind. I joked and said... what can I make them do today that will drive them crazy? And now I take the route of least resistance. I know that I will have to type them in at some point since I write long-hand when I create stories. And that part alone seems daunting enough.

I ordered myself a new planner: Plum Paper Planner and  Monthly Notebook where I can schedule all the blog posts that I really need to be doing. "Another should goal?" I'll find out soon, I guess. I have practically abandoned all my blogs for the first 6 months of the year. I miss writing and journaling. I am attempting to make time to journal every night, if time permits. I have drowned myself in cross-stitchnig to calm myself down from my real job and that I think is just me hiding away from the world ... or in this instance, from myself.

One of my new goals is to get a real camera to film my videos with. Another is to learn to edit those videos and put in the cool effects I see others do. I want to inspire people to be their best selves and to follow their bliss in whatever way is best for me to do that whether it be doing oracle readings or writing stories.

I hope you have found a nugget of inspiration here and i hope you really take a look at all those goals you want to accomplish and see if they are really things you truly want to tackle to create  your best life.
