Thursday, June 27, 2013

Messages from the Choir Loft - #3 Teamwork

Messages from the Choir Loft

Message #3: Teamwork

A choir wouldn't be named such if it didn't require teamwork to create the end product. A song with only the sopranos is nice but lacking richness that the alto section gives. Add in the tenors and you get a new depth of sound. And the bass section really bring in the solid sound that grounds the entire piece.

A choir isn't a choir without teamwork. 

And so is a church.

A church isn't only the pastor.

A church isn't only the deacons.

A church is the body of Christ.

Here is the church, here is the steeple, open the doors and see all the people. And the bible says where there are two are more, there so is God. We need to remember that. 

Our pastor of senior adults spoke this last Sunday and spoke about how a church is holy ground. But where two or more are gathered in the name of the Lord, so is that holy ground. Having holy ground requires teamwork. You, me and God. 

Let's try and remember that today. And encourage others to join you in this church-wide teamwork. Invite people to church. Fellowship with all the members, and not just the few you really feel comfortable with.

For a church to grow, we are ultimately responsible. God only supplies the support and inspiration. We must grab it and run with it.


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Message from the Choir Loft continued - part 2

Messages from the Choir Loft

Message #2: Singing In Harmony

Lately we have had a smaller number of members in the choir. And I'm not sure if it is due to all the nonsense surrounding our pastor leaving, or summer vacation or just lack of interest. But we have for a number of Sundays had only four or five people in attendance.

I can remember when the choir numbered around thirty. We made a glorious sound as we sang in harmony. Everyone was working together toward a common goal: beautiful music that was a blessing. 

Our goal is still the same today, although our voices don't quite carry with so few in number, but our heart is still there plugging along waiting for a musical revival. 

We are a choir of persistence. We are a choir who overcomes. Where today do you need to overcome the difficulty in your life? Maybe you need the persistence of my choir. Keep on keeping on until you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe, just maybe, the light is so bright and so close to you, you don't yet realize your goal is almost met.


Monday, June 24, 2013

Messages from the Choir Loft

Messages from the Choir Loft

Being in the choir loft every Sunday gives you a new and different perspective of the congregation. From week to week the congregation grows and lessens and moves around the pews like the breathing of a living being. Right now our spiritual congregational being is in the ER and the doctor has the defibrillator paddles in his hands yelling "clear!"

A new infusion of energy is being presented to us. And yes, some of us don't like this new energy. It's different. It's new. And it causes us to question everything and see our spiritual church life in a new way.

Our church is in the midst of change just as it will reach its 150th birthday next year. the older a church gets, the more resistant it is to change. The older a church gets, the more apt the "regulars" look back to the good old days. Let us just remember that the good old days had bad days as well, just like today. Our bad days have just taken a different form.

I long for the day when our living congregation breathes that sudden intake if breath where the doctor states, "she's gonna be just fine."

Let's keep our faith, keep ourselves on a God directed path and maybe one day not too far from now we will realize we had to weather our storms in order to grow and discover our own true legacy.


Monday, June 03, 2013

Don't let the little things stop you from getting your big dream.

Today I am using my own personal Murder in the Choir Room Mystery Oracle. This is my creative way of giving you the message today.

Character Card

Hazel Lindstrom

Grandmother of Nate (the lead detective)
Instrumental in getting Geoffrey, the Choir Director, hired
Has blackmail evidence on Pastor Jenkins

Character Card

Megan O'Reilley

Main Character

Waitress at diner in town. Secret past she won't discuss. Dead bodies litter her path. She believes she is cursed.

Action Card


Conflict arises, enemy comes forth with violence or a choice.

My Take..

I have been dabbling with making my own oracle based on one of my mad-capped murder mystery stories.  Hazel is that feisty grandmotherly influence. One of those people who really go all out to make sure you get what you need in your life even if they have to push you off a cliff to get it. The middle card is the main character, aka YOU! There is something you don't want to discuss right now. And this is in the present position. And Gunfire is all about conflict that arises, your tower has been shaken. Things that you no longer need are leaving your life or you are tidying up your lie to make room for all the good to come in.

Your angels want you to make sure you get everything you need in this life. Don't let the little things in life stop you. Push forward. Imagine Hazel is helping you forge ahead, nagging you until you get there. And don't let anything from your past, some secret you've been keeping, hang you up in hamster wheel thinking. Go for the gold. And know that as  you move forward in your truth, others are triggered because they aren't living theirs. Stay the course. 

Have a wonderful day.

Saturday, June 01, 2013

Where is your focus today?

Where is your focus?
By Toni Walker

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. - Romans 5:1

To me, this is saying that you will have peace depending on where you put your focus. If you put your focus on Jesus, one who is true and holy, peace will come naturally. But if you put your focus on the things of this world that worry and distress you, you surely won't find living comfort there.

Abraham Lincoln had an interesting quote I thought I'd insert here: "Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm." you definitely need a positive focus to go from failure to failure and keep on trying.

There is a story I heard once about four frogs hopping down a path. Two slipped and fell into a deep hole. The two frogs still on solid ground mocked, yelled, shouted, and made fun of the two in the hole. One frog seemed bound and determined to free himself. Finally, after much effort and a mighty leap he was free. Come to find out, this friend was deaf and thought his friends were encouraging him and not mocking him.

So, where is your focus today?

For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men. - 1 Peter 2:15

Have a wonderful day.