Thursday, June 27, 2013

Messages from the Choir Loft - #3 Teamwork

Messages from the Choir Loft

Message #3: Teamwork

A choir wouldn't be named such if it didn't require teamwork to create the end product. A song with only the sopranos is nice but lacking richness that the alto section gives. Add in the tenors and you get a new depth of sound. And the bass section really bring in the solid sound that grounds the entire piece.

A choir isn't a choir without teamwork. 

And so is a church.

A church isn't only the pastor.

A church isn't only the deacons.

A church is the body of Christ.

Here is the church, here is the steeple, open the doors and see all the people. And the bible says where there are two are more, there so is God. We need to remember that. 

Our pastor of senior adults spoke this last Sunday and spoke about how a church is holy ground. But where two or more are gathered in the name of the Lord, so is that holy ground. Having holy ground requires teamwork. You, me and God. 

Let's try and remember that today. And encourage others to join you in this church-wide teamwork. Invite people to church. Fellowship with all the members, and not just the few you really feel comfortable with.

For a church to grow, we are ultimately responsible. God only supplies the support and inspiration. We must grab it and run with it.


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