Friday, December 29, 2017

When things go awry on a holiday ...

I guess I should be happy as we move into a new year… but I’m not.

I have been disillusioned in regards to my relatives. I usually try to give them the benefit of the doubt. People say I should be nicer. I should overlook their imperfections …and then when things go missing, I should go and buy new ones. I have too much anyway and I should share the wealth. 

I am done with that line of thinking. The people who tout the “Be nice. You have more than you need. You need to give to others.” mantra are usually the ones who sneak in when no one is looking and suck you dry of whatever is on their radar that day. 

But there comes a point where it is no longer giving. It becomes taking, and taking and taking again… without permission. In the real world we call that stealing. Kids should be made to realize that you don’t steal from people no matter if you think they have more than they need; and you need that thing they have so why not take it. No one is looking. No one will know. 

But we do know and we feel icky as we realize we are related to a thief and wonder if this person will walk the path of the good or the path of evil. Now is the time in their lives when it is when they decide if they will be a good person or a bad person.

I, for one, hope they pick the right path. Because what they may find down the other road may be more than they bargained for.

I guess I should pray for them. It is the right thing to do. And I will pray for me too that I have a grateful heart for all the blessings I do have. I thank God for that.

Friday, December 22, 2017

December WIPS (works in progress)

December WIPS

I have been in a really weird mood this December and have not stitched on anything very Christmas-like. I did pick up Star of Magi ornament from Tempting Tangles in an older Just Cross Stitch ornament magazine. All those specialty stitches are giving me fits.

Star of Magi by Tempting Tangles

I am a littler farther than this picture shows but I wanted to show you what the piece looked like.

The next piece is quite a different piece for a December WIP:

Plague Doctor by BuzzBeeDesigns on Etsy

There is a SAL group (stitch-along) on Facebook if you want to join in on stitching this design.
Here is the link to the group if you want to join in:

The other WIP I have been working on is quite an inspiring one…

Power of Love by Stoney Creek

I worked on this most of November because I just needed something easy to do. But that box at the bottom was just too confetti heavy for me. There are three more of those little flowers at the top and I am not doing that. I will replace it with some more of these leaves and vines.

Coffee Quaker by Heartstring Samplry

I have enjoyed working on this. I think I only switched out because I needed something to work on. But this is a great pattern. Check it out if you want to do something on the easy side.

It is all about the finish..

I did have a finish in December.

Cobbblestone Crossing by Stone Street Stitchworks on Etsy

This was a fun and relaxing stitch. It was a good in-between project. The fabric is a bit darker than it is showing here.

Another finish was Honolulu by Awesome Pattern Studio on Etsy

That is all for me on the WIP front thus far. I hope to post a lot more in 2018 of my WIP progress.

Have a good one.

Toni Walker
Creative-You Cross Stitch & Crochet

Check me out on IG: tonispywriter

Year of WIPS 2018 - WIP-Apocalypse

Year of WIPS 2018 - WIP-Apocalypse

I am really in the head-space of getting my over 35 WIPs (works in progress) into the FO (finished objects) pile. I do have these bouts of wanting to start all the things. And that is quickly followed by the “I need to get all the things I have done first.”

Last year at the beginning of the year, I was all into wanting to make 2017 the year of the full coverage piece. Obviously, that didn’t pan out. I am not a confetti stitcher. In 2014 (back when I had only 3 WIPS) a small 100x100 full coverage piece called River Road Doorway by Ursula Michael had me all tied up into knots. So, I am not certain how I ever thought I would be a successful full coverage stitcher.

I do tend to gravitate to pieces that are about medium in size and that would fill a 15x18 piece of 14 count Aida. When I did the Pretty Little London city by Satsuma Street, that took me an entire month. If I go by that guide, I should probably only be stitching about 12 pieces a year. But in 2017 I had a record 29 finishes! I even finished a few long time projects like Daisy pixie by Nora Corbett and Daisy Just a Chart by Janlynn (a full coverage piece). 

I had a lot of cross stitch wins this last year. But this has also be a trying year for me too professionally. The last four months has been the most difficult. I am just all kinds of exhausted. I think I need a month off to recover.

I work at a daily newspaper, we own a number of newspapers in one corporation of which we are responsible for the production of most of the ads, special sections, tabs, booklets (our own and some storage unit booklets we subcontract for). The last four years have seen a lot of turnover in our department. Plus we upgraded our systems twice in that time. One was a transition from QuarkXpress to InDesign that made us delve into learning an entirely new system.

During this time I have practically abandoned my reading time and dove straight into my cross-stitching to relieve my stress and get my mind off of everything work related. I am just overwhelmed and weary.

So, yeah this year I will focus on my WIPs and try to complete them. I pulled out a list of my top 19 projects I want to try and complete in 2018. Wish me luck. See the list above for what I am working on. 

Hope you have a great 2018 stitching season.

Check me out on IG: tonispywriter

Toni Walker
Creative-You Cross-Stitch and Crochet

What I am all into

Do you ever look at your stash and suddenly want to stitch all the things? ME TOO!

I was looking, as I said, in my cross stitch pattern/magazine stash and came up with a few I just had to start. 

This is He Is Risen by Little House Needleworks. 
It is in the March/April 2010 Just Cross Stitch Magazine. 

This is Winter Quilts by Ursula Michael
in the January 2006 Stitcher's World Magazine.

Whoops! It is sideways.
Old World Santa by Carol Emmer. It is in the July 2005 Stitcher's World.

The last few days I have just been wanting to stitch so much "stuff" but in reality, I haven't had a ton of time to stitch due to overwhelming times at work. But I cherish the times I do have.

BB Glasses (Before the Bifocals)
Another thing I am all into is wearing by before the bifocals glasses. In 2012 I had to get bifocals. And it hasn't been an easy road. But I discovered it is much easier to read my patterns with my old glasses. I call them my BB glasses (before bifocal).

That is all for now. 

Thanks for checking out my blog

Toni Walker
Creative-You Cross Stitch & Crochet

Follow me in IG: Tonispywriter 

Friday, June 30, 2017

TAG: 20 Random Things About Me

20 Random Things About Me

1. I am a graphic artist at a daily newspaper. I design ads and send down plates to the printer.

2. I have worked at a newspaper for most of my career. First I was the news and feature editor at my high school newspaper called The Sphinx. I worked for thirteen years at the Riverfront Times in St. Louis, MO. And I have just passed thirteen years at my hometown newspaper where I currently work (for the second time) called the Morning Sentinel.

3. I designed a logo for a soap opera star’s personal business.

4. I used to be called the grandmother of Mike and Carrie Days of Our Lives fan fiction. My screen name back then was Bradygirl. I wrote a lot of fan fiction.

5. Writing fan fiction got me confident enough to write my own story. I spun off my original characters into a series I called The Legacy. Me and another lady (screen name Spirit) each wrote our own stories under The Legacy banner. I wrote a story called Bulgarian Underground and she wrote one named Message from Paris. I have spun off a number of stories from my original character base. Most of my stories are on their own blogs currently.

6 The stories I write are about spies which is why my screen name now is tonispywriter.

7. I write reviews for books through NetGalley. They are mostly for cozy mysteries.

8. I only began writing after I allowed myself to do it badly. I told myself that if it was bad, no one would see it but me. And that opened me up to allowing my muse to flow.

9. My town has an annual Balloon Fest and one year I designed the logo for it.

10. I learned to read tarot from watching YouTube videos. 

11. I had a lot of videos on my YouTube channel.  Now I just post a random video about my cross stitching.

12. I sing in my church’s worship team. I am an alto and sing most of the time in harmony to the other singers. I have been in some sort of choir since I was in 6th grade when my music teacher said I wasn’t good enough or didn’t have a strong enough voice to be in the choir, My asthma held me back then but it doesn’t hold me back now. No excuses for doing what you love. Don’t let someone tell you that you can’t do something.

13. I have been cross stitching since I was in grade school when I did a kit that pictured a mouse on a candy cane. I have been hooked ever since.

14. I have known how to crochet for a long time but only rediscovered it recently.

15. I am a bit OCD and when I get interested in something I go all out. I have all kinds of stash from all my interests over the years. A few years ago I donated two truck loads of books to my local used bookstore.

16. MacGyver is my hero. He makes you take what you have and use it in unique ways. And that is a theory that has really helped shape my life.

17. I have been a planner addict in the past even though I don’t have a ton to schedule I think I like the paper crafting part of it most. Stickers makes planning fun.

18. We had to submit a portfolio to get into my graphic design program in college. I barely scraped though by the skin of my teeth. Then I got the award for most improved after my first year.

19. My first real big job in a newspaper was in the mailroom. I stuffed Parade magazines into the Sunday paper.  When they discovered that I could do layout since I did it in high school, I moved up to “paste up”. That was back in the day of line tape and wax. Today we do things so much differently than we did back then.

20. My first job was at Pizza Hut. I quit after four months when I got a job at my local movie theatre.

21. I have been in musical theatre for most of my high school years. I acted and sang in ten musicals/plays in 3 years.

22. My dance parter in show choir in high school is now a Tony-nominated Lyricist  and probably one of the most creative people I know.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Pop up SAL - Squirrel!

Here is as far as I got on this tonight. A bit more on the second bunny's white fur

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Pop Up WIP - Winnie The Pooh

Here is my progress for this one day pop up WIP. 



Not too much done. But as the saying goes every stitch is one stitch closer to a finish. 

Have a great one. 


Saturday, January 14, 2017

Current WIPS - Lots going on

Here are the projects I have been working on so far this year. 

Rocking Horse Merry Christmas
1997 Leisure Arts Magazine

This one is finished. Yay.  First finish of 2017. 

Next up is my offering for the January Challenge in StitchWhat's from the Facebook group, Cross Stitch It's Fun.  

Autumn in Vermont
Kustom Krafts

Making some good progress so far. 

Then the other day I felt the need to start a new full coverage piece. This is going to be the year of full coverage for me. 

Blue Dragon Fairy
Kustom Krafts

Last week I made some good progress on a new start during the first week of January. 

At The Beach
JanLynn kit

I also started Rabbits and Cabbages this year from a Bunnies Galore booklet. This is just a fun piece. There are a lot of patterns I want to do out of this booklet. 

Rabbits and Cabbages
Bunnies Galore Leisure Arts booklet

And that is about all for me thus far. I plan on starting some more new things like Espresso Yourself and Toronto city from Tiny Modernist, Pretty Little Toronto from Satsuma Street and Happy Halloween by Joan Elliott. 

Have a happy stitching day. 
