Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Recurring Numbers - part2

Like I promised, here are the meanings of the other numbers. If you want more info, please visit Joanne Sacred Scribe's blog which I have linked at the end of this message.

5, 55, 555, 555

The number 5 symbolizes the principles of multiplicity, progression and passion and signifies the need for change, variety and new growth. The number 5 relates to personal freedom, making positive choices and major life changes, transformation and transmutation.

When Angel Number 5 appears consistently it indicates that there are changes for the better coming into your life. The energies are now building up to force much needed changes and these changes may come around with unexpected haste, but they will usher in positive energies and opportunities and will catapult you along on your path in the right direction.

6, 66, 666, 6666

The energy of the number 6 symbolizes the principle of nurturing, caring and harmony and signifies the need for stability in all areas of your life and relates to home and family, society, possessions, planetary issues and concrete tangibles.  

Number 6 also symbolizes responsibility and service which needs to be achieved through love, nurturing, protection and self-less service to humanity.

Angel Number 6 appearing repeatedly tells of the ability to use the imagination and the intellect combined to bring about positive outcomes. 

7, 77, 777, 7777

Number 7 is a mystical number symbolizing wisdom, the seven charkas, and the seven heavens. The number 7 symbolizes humanity's deep inner need to find depth, purpose, meaning and spiritual connection.

The repeating Angel Number 7 indicates for you to keep up the great work you’ve been doing of late. Your angels are telling you that you are on the right life path and that you will find that things of a positive nature will flow freely for you.  Your job is to maintain your momentum and enthusiasm, with the highest outcomes for all in focus.

Repeating 7’s tell of a beneficial time to learn and succeed in self-mastery and self-control, and implies that with enough strength of purpose, ambitions can be realized and obstacles overcome.

8, 88, 888, 8888

Number 8 is the number of power and strength and symbolizes the principles of domination, control and achievement.  Number 8 is the number of 'karma', and carries 
within it the Universal Law of Truth that is 'cause and effect' -  'as you reap, so shall you sow.'

The Angel Number 8 appearing repeatedly indicates that financial/material abundance is on its way into your life.  This is being brought about by some positive work and past efforts on your behalf.  Being the number of karma, repeating 8’s may be suggesting that you will receive unexpected rewards for past good work.  Karma re-paid in kind.

The repeating number 88 is a message for you to keep your finances in check ensuring that you have set solid foundations for yourself and your loved ones.  The Universe and your angels will always ensure that you are supported, but it is your responsibility to make sure that you are living up to your full potential in order to tread your ‘right’ life path.

9, 99, 999, 9999

The number 9 is the number of completion and endings and symbolizes the principles of leadership, humanitarianism and service to others.

When Angel Number 9 appears repeatedly it is a message that your life purpose and soul mission involves the giving of service through your natural skills, talents, interests and passions.  Repeating 9 indicates that it is a time to end a phase or relationship in your life which is no longer serving you in a positive way.  Do not fear lack and/or loss as ‘new’ will enter your life to replace it. You have lots of work to do in the future, so prepare yourself today.

This info and wording came from:

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Recurring numbers

On Wednesday we will have the ultimate recurring number day. 12-12-12.

Number 1212 is a message from your angels that you are to stay focused on your highest expectations as the angels and Universal Energies work behind the scenes helping you to manifest your wants and needs, goals and desires.  

The repeating number 1212 is a powerful sign that you are to step out of your comfort zone and take new directions and/or begin new projects and ventures that you have been wanting to do for a long time now.  Number 122 encourages us to release our fears and apprehensions and get on with pursuing our passions and purpose.

Have you noticed all the repeating number sequences lately? 111, 222, 555, 333, 444? I am seeing them constantly. Believe it or not, numbers mean things.

1, 11, 111, 1111

This means that you are manifesting in the moment you see these numbers and the manifestation is happening almost instantly so you are asked to watch your thoughts. Because if you constantly keep negative thoughts in your head, these types of things will keep appearing in your life.

As my pastor says, if you don't like your life right now, look at the books you read and the people you hang out with. Do they serve your highest ideals? You can also relate this to keeping your thoughts positive as well.

2, 22, 222, 2222

This has to do with balance, diplomacy, sensitivity, intuition and emotion. It is the number of tolerance and endurance. A recurring number 2 is a message to have faith, trust and courage as your prayers are manifesting in your life, even if it is not obvious just yet. Patience may be needed, but you may rest assured that all will turn out for the highest good. The message of Angel Number 222 is that everything will turn out for the best in the long-term.

3, 33, 333, 3333

This number resonates with the energies of encouragement, freedom and adventure. Number 3 is the essence of the Trinity  -  mind, body, spirit and is the threefold nature of Divinity.  The number 3 symbolizes the principle of 'growth' and signifies that there is a synthesis present – that imagination and an outpouring of energy is in action.  Number 3 represents the principle of increase, expansion, growth and abundance on the physical, emotional, mental, financial and spiritual levels.

4, 44, 444, 4444

Number 4 resonates with the vibrations and energies of hard work, security, practicality, productivity, appreciation, tradition, and solid foundations.

The number 4 symbolizes the principle of putting ideas into form and it signifies work and productivity. The essence of the number 4 is security, diligent work and strong foundations. It is constructive, realistic, traditional and cautious and is the number of system, order and management.  This vibration is to do with energy, harmony and co-operation and it is the door to illumination and/or initiation.

When number 4 consistently appears it indicates that your angels are all around you and with you.  The angels are offering you support and inner-strength to enable you to get the necessary work done. They understand that you are toiling towards your goals and aspirations and the angels ask that you call upon them for help, support, guidance and the emotions of love and security.

Maybe tomorrow I will post what the rest of the numbers mean, but now we need to be looking out for synchronistic events that point us to the Divine and how we can work more with the Divine energy of God and Jesus. We're coming into the perfect season to do this, so make your thoughts of the highest vibration and energy.

Have a wonderful day.

P.S. I got the info about these numbers from the Angel Numbers website:

Monday, August 27, 2012

Legacies — Daily Inspiration

Have you ever thought about what you will leave behind for others to appreciate and grow from?

That word, "Legacy," is one I tend to overlook since I have a series called The Legacy. I associate it with my series and not much else. But a legacy is so much more than that. defines legacy as: anything handed down from the past.

Some people I know sponsor children in other countries through different Christian programs like Compassion International or Steven Curtis Chapman's program Shenandoah's Hope. They give water wells, animals like goats, chickens, etc. to people in other countries through programs like Heifer International.

But sometimes, we, the little people, can't have big legacies like these. Maybe you don't have a lot of money to give away. Maybe you are limited by how far you can travel. So, what can you do?

You could get involved in my church's Brown Bag Program. They give food away to children in kindergarten and 1st grade every Friday. The small brown bag has enough goodies to keep some of them fed for the weekend. We have a lot of poverty in our community and any help you could offer here would be wonderful.

We used to do a lot of crafts when I was a kid. My mom would make things out of hemp rope, yarn or 25¢ hand towels from the dollar store. She would do macrame, it's kind of like a rope tying art, and make plant hangers, glass tables that hung in mid air and cool looking owl art. She would crochet afghans and make these cool things from hand towels. She would crochet a strap and button onto the hand towel making it easy for anyone to button their towel to a drawer handle.

Back then, we didn't have a lot of money, and heck, I had no idea we had no money. That was why we crafted so often. I just thought crafting was cool and wanted to do more.

Maybe you can do something like that. Bring back the lost art of macrame, make something only you can make and give it away to people in hospitals. I even knew a gal who took this fleecy fabric that didn't fray when cut and made them into blankets that she gave away at hospitals and to the homeless.

You can make a difference. Give of your time. Give from your heart. And you will definitely leave a lasting legacy to those who come after you.


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

You Have Power - Daily Inspiration

Many of us feel as if we have no power in this world, as if the world is walking all over us, making us do things we'd rather not do. But in a way, we do have power. The power of our energy fields.

God made us in wondrous ways.

Rub your hands together and place them six inches away from each other, palm to palm. Wait a few seconds and move them closer together. That is energy that you have created from the source of all greatness.

You do have power. We all do. We are creators of the Mighty Creator of the Universe, God, the I AM.

We are all surrounded with a field of this energy that reminds us that God is always with us and within us.

So, when you think negatively toward a person, send hateful thoughts their way... They do feel it. At least, they do in their energy field. This is why we need to make our thoughts gentle. We need to make our thoughts great. We need to make our thoughts thoughts that lift not only us up but others as well.

We are all on this journey called the Earthly plane. Let's try to make it better for everyone.

Lift up another person today. Send him or her good thoughts. Be grateful and at peace.


Monday, August 20, 2012

Visit Nature - Daily Inspiration

Do you feel nature calling to you? Do you have the sense you should spend a little time outside? That is your inner sense speaking to you.

When we go outside and connect with nature we become our true selves. When the world began there were no houses to hide inside of. There was only nature, Mother Earth, Terra, Tara, Gaia or whatever you choose to call her.

Go outside and feel the healing rays of the sun, garden, watch the hummingbirds as they fly crazily around from one bird feeder to another, see the ocean and become enveloped by the harmonious sounds of the crashing waves. Whatever it is that appeals to you in the outdoors, do it today.

Make today a great healing day.


Friday, August 17, 2012

Inspired - Daily Inspiration

August has been a very inspiring month. I've been writing like crazy.

I'll bet you're thinking to yourself... But you've only posted a few blog posts this month so far. So how could that be possible?

I write on a great many things, mostly fiction stories. I've got three-ring binders stacked on three-ring binders on my writing table right now. I'm waffling between Cloak & Dagger, Trouble with UFOs, Murder in the Choir Room and helping my brother with his story.

It's actually been quite an exciting time. The flow has been amazing. Nearly every morning I have written something on one of the four stories above. It's great!

I apologize if I've been neglecting you. But I want you to know that when you follow your bliss, great blessings come to you. I may have mentioned that in previous blog posts, but it really is true.

God is love. And God loves when you do what God sent you here to do. If you feel pressured to do something, obligated, or just get that down right icky feeling when you face what you think is your purpose, then that is NOT your bliss. That is not the purpose God sent you here for.

I have heard the saying that you find your purpose when you serve a purpose.

I can hear you thinking again, but writing stories isn't a grand purpose. What purpose does that serve. Shouldn't your purpose be bigger? Shouldn't your purpose change the world?

No one's purpose is small. Everyone adds to the great vibration of the world. And when you serve your purpose with joy, you add to the vibration that is advancing the planet forward. I feel a great awakening  emerging within us all. The divine is in us all, and it is emerging more every day. Your purpose is not small. When you add your purpose to the collective of the planet, the world's purpose is so big it is blinding.

I want you to experience that with me. Be love. Give love and in turn love will give back to you.


Friday, August 10, 2012

Time To Relax - Daily Inspiration

After yesterday's rant, I find it time to take a bit of a breather, mellow out and act all zen-like. Yes, it's time to relax. Now, don't you all start to freak out on me. Relaxation is not a bad thing. We need it. Our body needs it, and yes, so does our mind.

In our busy world that is zipping along at a hundred miles an hour, we need to remember who we really are, the us inside of us. And the only way to do that is if we get quiet, turn off our electronic devices (and that includes the tv) and sit silently listening to the voice of our creator.

I know. You can't get your head to turn off. That's okay. Each time a thought comes up, gently ask it to go away, you'll deal with it later. And if you think you'll forget that sudden thought, keep a pen and pad handy next to you in order to write down your sudden inspirations. But quickly get back into your quiet state.

You may only be able to do it for a few minutes the first time you try. But do try it. Each day you should be able to focus better and feel calmer. You won't believe how great you'll feel after just a week of this. It's amazing stuff.

When you stop to listen, you realize that the universe, God, your creator, I AM, or whatever you call ALL THAT IS, is subtly sending you messages. You'll get sudden insights that seem to come out of nowhere at exactly the moment you need them.

Do try this. You'll love it. And if you need music, do a search on YouTube for meditation music. There are hundreds of videos that can offer you a bit of musical stress relief.

I'm praying for you.

Have Zen thoughts.


Thursday, August 09, 2012

Walk Your Talk - Daily Inspiration

There is nothing that annoys me more than when judgmental people intentionally hurt others feelings just to justify their own position on things. That is not nice, people! Coming down on others with your Debbie Downer attitude is not okay.

And where do I see this type of attitude the most... in the Christian community. These are the people who should know better. These are the people who should do unto others as they would have others do unto them. I don't know if they truly believe that since they are "saved" that they can put people down, hurt their feelings, snub their friendships, blast their music and do whatever the heck they want to do in the name of their Lord.

And sometimes Catholics are worse than the rest. Aren't most of the organized crime people some sort of hard-nosed Catholic? These are the people who kill others, put out hits, do all sorts of bad things and then they go to church and confess in the "booth." Then suddenly everything is all right with the world.

I love going to church. I love singing my joyous songs to the Lord, don't get me wrong. But I have seen a contingent of merely ten people almost cripple a church, rock them to their rafters with so much crap that I wonder if these are really Christian people we're dealing with.

If you've had to deal with stuff like this, I'm praying for you right now. God is in control of it all. I pray that he lifts you up, gives you strength and puts a fire into your belly for the really great things that are still alive in the church.

If you have some Debbie Downers in your life, in your congregation, don't give them power. Tune them out, do whatever it is you have to do to bring the strength back to yourself. Tell them that they need to start walking their talk like Jesus and their stinky attitude is not appreciated in the house of the Lord.

I'm not sure where this rant came from. I have no reason to rant. I'm not mad at anyone currently. I guess I was just led to do it.

So, today, my prayer for you is to walk your talk. Don't be a Debbie Downer. Be a Sally Smiles or a Hugh Happy Face. Think about your words today. Don't be too harsh with criticism. And if you accidently bark a bit too much, tell the other person you're sorry.

Have a great day.


Monday, August 06, 2012

Clear Your Space - Daily Inspiration

Have you been feeling depleted and just blah lately? Maybe you need to do a bit of decluttering. Our emotions are connected to anything physical in our home, old boxes of junk, piles of paperwork we haven't dealt with or even emotional clutter that is fueling different emotions we don't want to have any longer in our live. 

All that useless 'junk' can pull down our energy. Get rid of it. Clean house. Clear your mind. Center yourself.

I'm not asking you to get all fung shui on the rooms in your house. Just assess your environment. See what it is that you no longer need or is no longer serving you.

Doing this strangely enough will help us get in touch with our own feelings. Feel what you really want out of life and then get rid of the things that don't serve you or  the path you want to move to.

After decluttering take time to contemplate on what you really want out of life. You're feeling depleted and blah because you're not living on the true path of your soul. And you're not seeing the path right now because there are too many things pulling down your energy. Declutter and make room for the new to come into your life.

Take time out for you today.


Saturday, August 04, 2012

Reward Yourself - Daily Inspiration

It's finally Saturday. You've had a long week and in your mind all you have to look forward to is more chores. Some of these chores can only be done on the weekend, I understand that. But I want you to remember something.


God doesn't want you to continually put yourself last. You are important too. So, after your hard grueling week, take a little time out for you. Even if you have to schedule this time, it's completely worth it. You deserve to reward yourself for your great efforts this week, even if everything didn't turn out exactly as you planned.

We have to take care of ourselves first. Meditate, do yoga, go for a walk, listen to great music. Whatever it is you do to treat yourself, do it today. Everyone around you will thank you for it. Because when you take care of you, you set a great example to others.

Blessings today!

Friday, August 03, 2012

Manifest Greatness Today - Daily inspiration

Have you ever noticed that the more you think about something, the more you talk about it, the faster it comes to fruition? Unfortunately, for many of us what comes into being isn't always positive.

Your nose feels a bit stopped up when you wake up. And you realize you were also a bit stuffed up yesterday. Could you be getting a cold? This is not a great time to get a cold. You have a lot of things to do this week and a cold would only put a huge chink in your plans ... And so it goes until by the end of the day you have literally manifested a bad cold that is guaranteed to last at least a week.

What exactly happened here?

You had a thought, a slightly negative thought (a stuffy nose). You increased its significance by relating it to a previous experience (you had a stuffy nose yesterday). Then you made an assumption (could I be getting a cold?). After that you put emotion and urgency into the equation (you don't have time for a cold, you have things to do). Plus you added an element of time. (you have things to do this week).

And as a result you have literally manifested a cold into your life. When you woke up it was only a stuffy nose.

Keep in mind that you have the choice what to manifest. If I were you I would take this equation and put a positive spin on it. You could literally manifest greatness.

Stay positive today. And make your intentions for your highest good and the highest good of others.


Thursday, August 02, 2012

Magical You -- Daily Inspiration

You have magic inside you. Every cell of your being is a blessing gifted to this world, but many of us don't truly believe that.

I read an article recently that stated that we could change our DNA structure by the words we say and the frequency at which we vibrate. If you are vibrating at the frequency of love which is like 825 hertz (don't quote me on that number) you can literally speak yourself into health or sickness. Note: I looked up the hertz and discovered that I'm a bit dyslexic. The number is 528 Hertz.

So, watch your words today. You can create miracles by just staying in love and speaking from the heart.

Resonate with love and send it out to the world today.


Friday, July 20, 2012

Big Prayers - Daily Inspiration

Wow! Someone must have been praying for me big... I mean, BIG! I sure got inspired, but I was inspired to write a totally different story. A fiction story, a mystery of sorts. Plus, I've already gotten the first chapter written. I have posted it over at my Edge of Danger blog. And you can see it there. I even made a cool graphic for it. Check it out:

It's funny how quickly inspiration can hit. And I'm so happy to be inspired. But I need some more specific prayers. I need inspiration to write more Creative You Inspirations. Come on, guys. I know you can do it. Sock it to me!

Prayer does work. I've seen it happen with my father when he was in the hospital. I mean, they said he was a gonner. In 2003, he was hit by a car as he was walking across the street in our town. He ended up with a busted spleen, but that wasn't discovered until nearly a week later. But we didn't accept when the doc told us that he had done all he could do. So, what did we do? We prayed BIG. 

And sometimes when you pray BIG God says YES! I want that for you too. Thank you for asking.

And yes, there are times when God says, no. He has the plan and he keeps that stuff close to the vest. But if you can, pray BIG.

Is there something you really want like we did? Keeping dad alive was a pretty big YEAH in the win column. Go ahead and pray BIG for your dreams. All He can say is no. So, why not give it a shot. There may be a BIG YES in your future.


Thursday, July 19, 2012

Being In Flow - Daily Inspiration

Have you ever just come up with an idea off the top of your head? I did that today. I was perusing mystery books on and suddenly the idea for a novel came to me. Murder in the Choir Room - An Off Key Mystery. I know it sounds horribly awful, but I couldn't help it. The stuff kept spilling out of my mind. I had to open my TextEdit program and start typing the stuff, getting it down on paper.

I now have two complete pages of characters, character interactions and possible motives. Although, I haven't yet decided who's gonna be dead and who is gonna do it, it as fun to just play with the possibilities today.

Have you ever done something like that? Has inspiration struck just out of the blue? If it has, capture it today. Write it down and run with it.

When something like that happens to me, I call that "Being in Flow." It pours out of my mind as quickly as you pour water out of a pitcher. And if you don't catch the inspiration immediately, the vision you've created could be gone and down the drain.

I pray you become inspired today in the way that makes your heart sing with joy. And don't forget to thank the One who gave it to you.


Friday, July 13, 2012

I Heard A Funny - Daily Inspiration

Do things ever strike you funny? Have you heard a truly "out there" claim and you're just not quite buying it. Although, it makes you think... how in the world is that possible?

That happened to me this week.

I heard a story second-hand that spoke about a person I know who has never blown their nose. Can you imagine? Isn't this something you learn as a child? Blowing your nose should be one of those things you learn when you're tying your shoelaces for the first time. It's not something you should struggle with as an adult.

This person just sniffs, and sniffs, and sniffs, but doesn't blow.

The more I think about it, the funnier it becomes.

Do you ever hear things that just strike your funny bone? Laughing is good for us. It helps us to release tension and just makes us in an altogether good mood.

What funny stories have crossed your path today? Let the belly laughs roar and thank that person for making you "release the tension" from your day.


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Choose Peace - Daily Inspiration

Have you ever had something so annoy you that you thought about it all day, all night and part of the next day? I know I have.

But did you know that you don't have to give those things that annoy you power? We choose how we react. We choose to let these annoyances upset us.

So, today, why not choose peace instead of anxiety, fear, frustration, or depression. Just make the decision that you will do this. And the next time it happens, remind yourself that you're not going to let this upset you. 

Now, it may take a few times to get it right, but eventually, you will be able to let go and let God take the situation. 

Today choose peace.

We all deserve it.


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Live The Life You Want - Daily Inspiration

Your only job is to know what kind of life you want to live most. And find those things in your life that bring you the most joy. Then, keep your mind on those things.

Know what you want, and ask for it, then receive it.

I think the problem sometime stems from the fact that people don't feel they deserve the wonderful dreams they have been conjuring for themselves. They think things never work out for them.

I say, that is pure poppycock! Everyone deserves their best life. No matter who you are. Decide today to believe in the power of your dreams. God gave you those dreams. So, go out and write that novel, build that boat, get that great relationship.

Hold fast in your mind that dream you want. See yourself in your mind's eye getting that dream. Feel how it feels to accomplish your great desire. And keep doing that over and over.

The saying goes, whatever you focus on and put your intention on comes to you.

So, make your intentions great today.


Monday, July 09, 2012

Make Today Count - Daily Inspiration

The last few weeks have been sort of hectic for me and thus I haven't been consistently writing on my blog here. I think I might be over-thinking exactly how much I need to write for an inspiration. Some days all I have are tidbits. And other days I have novellas. 

Here is my tidbit for today:

Be here, in this moment. The now. Don't live in the future. What you do now will give you a glimpse into what is to come. Make your now count. 

As you've probably gathered from other blog postings, I've been working on my novel. I'm almost afraid to call it a novel. Makes it more real, I suppose. And all I was focusing on was the end result, that image of my book on a shelf. And thinking about that is GREAT. Don't get me wrong. But in all my future-thinking, I forgot to consider the now. What did I need to be doing right now to get THERE. To that big vision I want to see come into fruition? 

Of course, that's an easy answer. I need to be putting the time into fixing the errors in my book and nailing down the plot to flow in an easy to read manner. I need to work on characterization, making all those imaginary people I spend my day with seem even more real to me.

And I don't have to do this all at once. I can take baby steps. The other day I was reading up on plot and making index cards of plot points I wanted to consider. And that is not a wasted day by any means. That is just one baby step closer to my goal.

What is a goal you want to accomplish? Are you too afraid to pursue it for fear of being ridiculed? If God has put this desire into your heart, then forge ahead. Take one baby step. Work today to make that vision you want to accomplish come to be.

Make today count. Be in the now.


Friday, July 06, 2012

What If Plotting - Daily Writing Inspiration

I started reading this great ebook by Holly Lislie all about outlining your plot. It's truly great. I LOVE IT. And it's only 99¢ over at

One of the concepts she refers to is how the Internet Public Library classifies plots. She says that these are not plots but conflicts. And your character should go through about five of these conflicts per story. I've copy and pasted the info from the Internet Public Library's website. They have three different sections about basic plots. 

7 Plots
7 basic plots as remembered from second grade by IPL volunteer librarian Jessamyn West:
  1. [wo]man vs. nature
  2. [wo]man vs. [wo]man
  3. [wo]man vs. the environment
  4. [wo]man vs. machines/technology
  5. [wo]man vs. the supernatural
  6. [wo]man vs. self
  7. [wo]man vs. god/religion

20 Plots:
Tobias, Ronald B. 20 Master Plots. Cincinnati: Writer’s Digest Books, 1993. (ISBN 0-89879-595-8)
This book proposes twenty basic plots:
  1. Quest
  2. Adventure
  3. Pursuit
  4. Rescue
  5. Escape
  6. Revenge
  7. The Riddle
  8. Rivalry
  9. Underdog
  10. Temptation
  11. Metamorphosis
  12. Transformation
  13. Maturation
  14. Love
  15. Forbidden Love
  16. Sacrifice
  17. Discovery
  18. Wretched Excess
  19. Ascension
  20. Descension.

36 Plots
Polti, Georges. The Thirty-Six Dramatic Situations. trans. Lucille Ray.
Polti claims to be trying to reconstruct the 36 plots that Goethe alleges someone named [Carlo] Gozzi came up with. (In the following list, the words in parentheses are our annotations to try to explain some of the less helpful titles.):
  1. Supplication (in which the Supplicant must beg something from Power in authority)
  2. Deliverance
  3. Crime Pursued by Vengeance
  4. Vengeance taken for kindred upon kindred
  5. Pursuit
  6. Disaster
  7. Falling Prey to Cruelty of Misfortune
  8. Revolt
  9. Daring Enterprise
  10. Abduction
  11. The Enigma (temptation or a riddle)
  12. Obtaining
  13. Enmity of Kinsmen
  14. Rivalry of Kinsmen
  15. Murderous Adultery
  16. Madness
  17. Fatal Imprudence
  18. Involuntary Crimes of Love (example: discovery that one has married one’s mother, sister, etc.)
  19. Slaying of a Kinsman Unrecognized
  20. Self-Sacrificing for an Ideal
  21. Self-Sacrifice for Kindred
  22. All Sacrificed for Passion
  23. Necessity of Sacrificing Loved Ones
  24. Rivalry of Superior and Inferior
  25. Adultery
  26. Crimes of Love
  27. Discovery of the Dishonor of a Loved One
  28. Obstacles to Love
  29. An Enemy Loved
  30. Ambition
  31. Conflict with a God
  32. Mistaken Jealousy
  33. Erroneous Judgement
  34. Remorse
  35. Recovery of a Lost One
  36. Loss of Loved Ones.
Here is the link if you want to visit the actual page in the Internet Public Library: "Basic" Plots in Literature - Frequently Asked Reference Questions

She had an exercise where you focused on your main character and picked five of these conflicts (IPL version of Plots).

Then she asked a simple question. What is an interest that your main character has? A hobby, something they love to do. So, she picked ice skiing.

One of the plots she picked was Murderous Adultery. Another was [wo]man vs. the supernatural. Then she went into what if mode. What if one character, her antagonist, was a ghost. That would make her dead. And what if she was murdered. What if the main character went to the lodge at Green Mountain on the one year anniversary of her friend's death. 

Then she added Supplication (in which the Supplicant must beg something from Power in authority). And what if the husband of the murdered gal tried to kill the main character while she was up at the lodge. But she doesn't know who is out to kill her or why.

And the story keeps on going like that.

I find this to be quite an exciting way to plot. And you can just keep adding conflicts until you are happy or the story is concluded.

Hope you have an amazing day plotting your story.


Thursday, July 05, 2012

Web Series Writing Month — Daily Inspiration

Are you a writer? Do you like to create web serials? Well, if you do, I have the perfect plan to help you steamboat your way through your next few episodes. Over at they are gearing up for their 6th Annual Web Series Writing Month. It's sort of like National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) but just for web serials/series. I participated two years ago and came up with a ton of good stuff for my web series', The Legacy, Trouble With UFOs and Shattered/The Trust (A Legacy Mission).

I invite you to join in. Kira over at the EpiGuide would love to have anyone that wanted to boost their writing quota over the month of August.

Here is an excerpt of the email I recently received about WeSeWriMo:

Just wanted to drop you a note to let you know we're all gearing up for WeSeWriMo, the EpiGuide-hosted annual writing marathon, now celebrating its sixth year of challenging online writers to create their own ambitious goals throughout the month of August. 
As always, we also offer the latest news and discussions in the world of web-based entertainment, including webfiction, webseries, audiocasts, and lots more! 
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August is WeSeWriMo -- Web Series Writing Month -- and there's still time to sign up to participate! Visit the official site at to learn all the details, and sign up in the official registration thread at The deadline for signing up is August 1. 
Please join in! The benefit of WeSeWriMo is that *everyone* is welcome in this project that's flexible enough to suit every varied form of online writing: serialized novels, ongoing video, audio or text-based webseries; webcomics; hyperfiction; microfiction; you name it, someone writes it!
Even if you can't participate this year, please do spread the word to your fellow writers if you have a blog, twitter, or tumblr account. The more the merrier!
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Get all the latest webserial site news and updates via @epiguide on Twitter: follow us at to get the latest news blurbs. 

It's a pretty cool thing to be involved in. I may try it again this year. I hope  you'll come and join me.


Monday, July 02, 2012

Rethink that Thought - Daily Inspiration

You know how when company comes over, and you look at your house and go "UGH!" Well, my mom did that last week. She knew my brother and his family were coming over for a visit, along with my sister and all of her family.

So, mom gets up on the edge of the bathtub and tries to clean a spot that probably would have gone unnoticed if anyone else had been in there. But Moms see everything in the bathroom. "It must be clean" was her mantra. Then up she went and seconds later down she came. Kersplat! Right on the floor of our shotgun bathroom. How she landed so perfectly onto the carpet is amazing. She could have easily hit her head on the sink or knocked into the toilet. But she just landed on the floor and knocked the wind out of her. Oh, yeah and she BROKE HER RIB or at least fractured it. She's getting x-rayed up today at the doc's office.

So, if you feel the need to clean some spot so high up that you must climb onto the bathtub to do it. STOP! Rethink that action today. You don't want to end up like mom, in massive pain and miserable. 

Today is the day to stop, to take a breath and reevaluate your decisions. You may be happy you did.


Sunday, July 01, 2012

Inner Bell - Daily Inspiration

I have to apologize for missing the last few days of blog postings. Work has been a bit crazy, at least for me. Plus, at night I've been pouring over this new ebook I purchased called Holly Lislie's Plot Outlining Mini-Course. It' all about, obviously, outlining your plot.

And that has been taking a lot of my focus at night. The lady who writes this is an plot expert. I feel grateful to have even found this book. Not to mention, it's only 99 cents on

She has an easy going writing style that draws you in and teaches you all at the same time.

So, that's what I've been doing in leu of writing my blogs lately. I call it listening to my inner bell. When something rings true for you, that is the path you must follow.

Maybe you should do that more often too. Listen to your inner bell.

What rings true for you?

God gives us all gifts and talents. I pray you find yours today.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Cancel, Delete, Save - Daily Inspiration

We say use these tools every day in the new world of computers, iPods, laptops, iPad, Kindles and whatnot. Delete that document. Delete that song. I no longer want it. Cancel that computer operation, I messed up. Undo, undo, undo.

Sometimes we need some of these buttons in our own lives. I know my thinkin' can get a bit stinkin' at times. Negativity is a hard thing to control. I've had my mind whirling at a hundred miles an hour before. And it makes me realize that thinking like this can make people think they're crazy.

We need to start canceling, deleting and saving our thoughts. When you catch yourself in negative self talk... CANCEL IT! You can even say it out loud. "I cancel you bad thought, go away." Or you can say ... DELETE! "I delete you bad thought."

And when you catch yourself, turn your thought around to a better thought, a great thought. And then SAVE that thought. You want to keep the good thoughts and get rid of the bad. You may not be able to do it one-hundred percent of the time, but just catching yourself now and then can make a real difference in your mood.

How you think and how you react to others... it's really all up to you. So use these mind tools today.


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Wait on the Lord - Daily Inspiration

but those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength. 
They will soar on wings like eagles; 
    they will run and not grow weary,
    they will walk and not be faint.

— Isaiah 40:31 NIV

I'm falling back to my favorite bible verse today: Isaiah 40:31. It always reminds me of a Steven Curtis Chapman song called "Wait". It's from one of his earlier albums. Yes, I'm a SCC geek. I used to listen to his music constantly. I knew every song lyric to every song.

I once went to Agape, which is a christian music concert sponsored by Greenville College, which isn't too far away from where I live. My friend, Kent, went with me. He marveled at the fact that I could sing along with every song SCC sang that day at the concert.

I have to admit, I don't think I could do a lot of the recent albums in the same way. I used to listen to albums on my commute to work when I worked in St. Louis. And that commute was an hour. My commute today is five to eight minutes. So, I just get a small snippet of the music listening time that I used to have. Listening to music was the ONLY thing I liked about my commute to St. Louis. I'm not a driver. I'd rather be a passenger. I sometimes took the train (MetroLink) on Wednesdays and I LOVED that.

So, why not listen to some christian music today. Maybe listen to the song "Wait". It's a great one. I've provided a YouTube link at the bottom if you want to listen to it.

Have a great day!

Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD. — Psalm 31:24

We wait in hope for the LORD; he is our help and our shield. — Psalm 33:20

Monday, June 25, 2012

George Family Reunion - Daily Inspiration

Do you ever get together with family that you don't see very often? Our family has an annual tradition, we call it the family reunion. This is my family from my Dad's side. Last year, we had nearly 125 people. This year there wasn't that many, but we still had a fun time.

We have our reunion on the same Sunday of June every year. And we've had this reunion for as long as I can remember and I'm 44 this year. So, I'm not sure how many we've had but we've had A LOT of them.

We have a table for people to peruse photos from previous family reunions. We take family photos every year with whatever people are available to come. Last year, my sister and her family were able to come, but they couldn't make it this year. They live in New Mexico. We have people come from California, Arizona, Arkansas not to mention those of us who already live in Illinois.

They also keep a family scrapbook that is filled with newspaper articles, photos and whatever had happened to people during the remainder of the year. This year I know we're adding a great article by the Belleville paper about my Great Uncle Don Rockwell, his son Donnie, and Donnie's son DJ who have made television broadcasting their careers. Donnie is an engineer at KTVI FOX 2 in St. Louis and I think their station also owns the independent station KPLR Channel 11 in St. Louis.

My cousin, Joey, who didn't make it this year has in the past been an illustrator for Marvel and DC comics and currently does some work for Hasbro, Inc. It's always fun to see his cool drawings.

It's always fun to talk to people at the reunion. My cousin Jeremy lives in California and worked for the AFL-CIO in Springfield before moving to Cali. Now his Facebook says he works for the California Labor Federation. I assume it's the same thing. I never really know. All that political stuff is so over my head.

We have a lot of people with interesting jobs in my family. I have to say, I have one cool family.

What about you? Do you ever get together with your extended family? Do you even talk to anyone you're related to? I have to say that we don't have a similar tradition on my mother's side. Although, there are equally cool people on that side of the family too.

My great aunts used to get together for what they called "Sister's Day". You could do that too. One day where you get together to have lunch, go shopping and just spend time with those you don't see very often any more.

It's always a fun time for us. I'm sure you'll love it too.

Blessings to all.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Pain - Daily Inspiration

We all have those days that challenge us. On Thursday I had to stay extra late for a car ad and the resulting pain in my neck moved to my right shoulder. This was the good shoulder. I've been struggling with on and off pain for two months in my left shoulder. I guess my right shoulder wanted to join in the fun.

Yesterday, my great Aunt Pootie stopped by with her friend Cokie. They came in the morning. Left to do a bit of shopping all over creation and came back for dinner at 6pm.

In the meantime between visits, my shoulder decided to seize up. No matter how I moved it hurt.

Earlier in the morning I had bought some joint pain medicine. Just over the counter stuff. Little did I know I'd need it later in the afternoon. I bought it on a whim to help with the swelling in my hands and joints.

God works that way sometimes, doesn't he? He whispers to us things we need to know in order to help us. God knew that pain was in my future and he had a plan for it. So, if God cares about the little things in your life, how much more must he care about the big things.

Pain teaches us to stop and listen and look for clues. I hope today you stop and listen to God and what he's whispering to you.

Blessings on your path today.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Things Always Change - Daily Inspiration

Our cat died yesterday. And when I say our cat, I mean our neighborhood's cat. This cat didn't belong to any one household. But it sort of adopted us as her main means of support.

My dad fed that cat every day. And usually, the cat shared its food with a possum that seemed to hang around, and two other cats who didn't seem quite as friendly as Cat was.

One of our neighbors called Dad and told him that our cat was lying in his yard. I guess, she just walked until she keeled over. We assume that someone in the neighborhood had poison out for raccoons, skunks, possums or whatever and our Cat got into it.

It's sad. But I imagine our cat is doing cat dances in heaven and maybe our cat even has a name there. Since this cat just adopted us, we never named it. We just called her Cat or Hello Cat or Hello Kitty.

Pets are very important to many people. And to some, just like children. Remember your favorite animals today and treat them with respect.

Blessings to all.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

My Story - Daily Inspiration

Editor's Note: Sorry I didn't post yesterday. Our internet was out here all day.

We all have a story. My Sunday School teacher is having us relate our story to the rest of our class as just a way to introduce everyone to the new students. I didn't have much of anything to talk about today so...

Let me introduce you to me.

My name is Toni Walker. I am the oldest daughter of two great parents. I have a younger sister, Andi, and a younger brother, Aaron. My mom used to work for a bank when I was little, but since my brother was born she became a stay at home mom. My dad is a sheet metal worker. He's really good at his job (although, retired now). I mean, great! Dad is old school. He knows how to make any fitting he needs, does blueprints and what not. He is very excellent at what he does. And that is probably where I get my drive to be the best me I can be.

My dad got me interested in singing. He used to sing with us on this old tape recorder with a small microphone. He would sing his do-wap music into it and my sister and I would copy him. We have many cassettes of us just singing together. I think people are surprised when I know complete songs by the Platters. That's dad's favorite group. (Don't call it a band, he hates that.) 

My mom bought me a small juke box when I was a kid. I wore out the button for the song "Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head." It was, according to my mom, my favorite song back then. I also loved "Delta Dawn". 

My grandfather (really, my step-grandfather, but who's counting) had at one time been the Postmaster of the Centralia post office. But his passion was singing in gospel quartets. He was a bass singer. Funny thing about grandpa. He couldn't comprehend anything he read. Just wouldn't stick. But he could read the bible. He did prison ministry when he was living in Texas. And spoke about the bible. Somehow he could comprehend the bible. Neat, huh?

Grandpa was an ordained minister and could play the piano by ear. And we sang with him all the time. He even had us sing at the churches he went to. Although my sister and brother weren't too keen on the experience, I liked it. He always told me I had a voice for God.

I lived with him and grandma when I went to college. And it was there I discovered contemporary christian music (CCM). Grandpa hated CCM music. He was a southern gospel lover. He loved hymns. CCM music was just too out there for him. But not for me. I didn't let him dissuade me from listening to it.

When I worked in St. Louis, I would take the bus and listen to CCM music and imagine myself singing these songs. I didn't exactly know where I would sing them, but I still liked to do it. 

In 1993 I decided to try church again. The thought had been mulling around in my mind. And I hadn't been a church goer since I was a kid in Sunday School.

I tried to go back to the church where I went when I was a child. I asked if I might be able to sing solos. They told me no. Only the pastor and his wife provided music. I took that as a sign I shouldn't go there. And when I related this story to my sister she told me to go to her boyfriend (now husband's) church. And that is where I went. It's where I still go.

Later, I sang a solo at my sister's wedding. And the pastor of my old church wanted to know if I'd be interested in being the worship director. Of course, after my experience with them, I told them no.

I started singing in the choir of my new church the second Sunday I attended. And I did eventually sing solos. I have to admit, I'm not too bad at it. And I like to do it. I don't get to sing solos as much as I'd like, but I'll take what I can get these days.

When I was in sixth grade, I was diagnosed with asthma and allergies. In fact, I was allergic to so many things they couldn't list them all. Surprisingly, I'm not allergic to food. I had the opportunity to sing in a choir when I was in sixth grade. I thought I was good. Grandpa told me I was. But the choir director had other ideas. He told me no. My voice wasn't strong enough to sing. But I didn't want to take no for an answer. It was one of the first times I stood up for something I deemed important in my life.

The choir director let me take voice lessons at his house for six months. After that time, I was then allowed to sing in the choir. And I don't think there has been a time when I wasn't in one.

Music is important to me. It's been important to me all my life. That's because of Dad and Grandpa.

Funny how I don't think of my life as my job. Many people do. As a job, I am a graphic artist at a newspaper. For thirteen years I worked for the Riverfront Times in St. Louis as a Layout Editor slash Graphic Designer. There I spent half my time laying out editorial and half my time working on designing ads.

I now work at my hometown newspaper. I'm still a Graphic Artist. But that label doesn't define me.

In my personal life, I write web serials. I like to write fiction. It's fun. I get a kick out of it. But writing can be scary, especially if you're not very good at it. So, I started out writing fiction about Days of Our Lives. This was back when the internet was a new phenomena and was mostly posted on bulletin boards. 

I started writing what they call "fan fiction". There wasn't a name for it at the time. Writing that got me to believe in myself and my writing and it got me interested in writing my own original series. 

I spun off the four original characters I had created in Volume 2 of my fan fiction. And from them I created a new series. I called the series, The Legacy. It's all about spies and the spy agency, The Legacy.

I've written on many other series over the years, all of my own creation. I love creating. I love ideas. (I love pens and paper.) I just love coming up with scenes. I know I can do it better. And I know I need more bad guys, suspense or whatever. But I just enjoy the process.

And in fact, working on TV Guide like posters for my web series, actually made me a better designer. Playing around in photoshop on my graphics sure helped me a lot.

So, sorry to ramble on so long, but what about you? What is your story? Mine could go on forever. My prayer for you today is to remember who you are. Remember your story. Don't dismiss yourself. Stand up for you today. Show everyone why it's so great to be you.

Blessings to all today.

P.S. If you want to check out my web series. Click on my Blogger profile. I've made most of them into blogs now.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Mission from God - Daily Inspiration

Dear friends, I am not writing you a new command but an old one, which you have had since the beginning. This old command is the message you have heard. Yet I am writing you a new command; its truth is seen in him and in you, because the darkness is passing and the true light is already shining. — 1 John 2:7-8

Speak your truth. How many times have we heard that over the years? Do what you do and do it well, is another way to put it, I think.

We all have a truth that is for us and us alone. God gave us a mission on this planet. And I think one of our missions is to find out what that mission is.

The one whose walk is blameless, who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth from their heart; — Psalm 15:2

Just like James Bond getting a mission intel briefing from M, we must get our intel straight from God. Only he knows what the truth of our hearts truly is.

Meditate on that today. Try to ascertain exactly the mission God wants you to be a part of. That is my prayer for you. Find your true calling in life. I mean, you don't have to do it all today, this minute. But make a mental decision to start your quest. It will be the best quest of your life.

Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. — Psalm 25:5

Monday, June 18, 2012

Go With The Flow - Daily Inspiration

Today is a day to be flexible. Bend like the willow tree. We can learn a lot from a willow. When the high winds come they bend over taking the onslaught yet not breaking. Learn to bend with the challenges you have today. You could come across many choices and if you do, listen to your heart. You always want to do what is for your highest good and the highest good of all concerned.

What is your intuition, your gut, telling you about these new choices today? Which one feels better? It's usually the better feeling choice that is the correct path. But it is all up to you. This is your journey. 

God gives us free will. So if you choose a path that might seem a bit shaky, that's okay. Eventually all paths will lead you back on track. God has a way of steering us in the right direction. Even if we choose incorrectly, he will use that rocky path to teach us something we needed to learn along our life's journey.

So, please be flexible today. Listen to your intuition about the many choices that may assail you. Deep inside, you always know what to do. And if you don't trust yourself, mediate on it and see what God reveals to you.

Many blessings on your path today. I pray it's not a rocky one.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day - Daily Inspiration

My pastor says that Father's Day doesn't get the respect as other holidays like Mother's Day and Grandparent's Day. He says even Flag Day gets more respect.

"I get no respect," lamented Rodney Dangerfield in his often mimicked comedy routine.

I guess, in a way, that can seem true. But how many times have I heard, that guy or girl needs a male role model in their lives? So, it seems to me that the role of Daddy still holds as much weight as the role of the much beloved Mommy.

We've seen it over and over. Some dad in Podunk, USA treats his kids like a punching bag and another dad just doesn't bother to show up.

Those guys only seem to give dad's a bad name. But for every loser dad is two or three fantastic dads who are always there for their kids. They are the good role models, the ones to look up to. But they don't show these dads on tv because the stable, faithful, loving dad is just not news.

Well, today honor those dad's who always get it right, who are there no matter what. Because their efforts are not in vein. Those dads help to create the honest, good-hearted citizens of tomorrow.

Blessings to all the dads today.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Focus - Daily Inspiration

Where is your focus today?

It's important that we keep our focus truly aimed at all that we desire. Don't let pooh-pooh thinking sabotage your dreams.

As you focus on your dreams watch for doors of opportunity that spontaneously open for you. And even if a door in your life closes it can only be for your highest good. God has greater things for you.

And when you think about your dreams don't limit yourself. Add the phrase "this or something better." god may want to give you gold and you settle for bronze. Don't do that. Go for the gold.

Now is the time for revisiting all those things you used to love. I've been doing a little of that myself. I've been focusing on one of my old series and letting that experience wash a great feeling of comfort and familiarity all around me. It feels good to go back to old projects we love that time has caused us to push by the wayside.

If you have old dreams left unexplored, my prayer for you today is to revisit them. Let God and his celestial team burn a fire inside you to accomplish those dreams again. God doesn't give us desires he doesn't want us to truly go for with all our heart.

Blessings to you today.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Weary - Daily Inspiration

You gave abundant showers, O God; you refreshed your weary inheritance. — Psalm 68:9

I worked the night shift last night and staying up until 1:30am makes a soul very weary, not to mention my knees were like jelly when I got home. That's what I call pure exhaustion. And when I get exhausted I tend to ramble on about silly things. I guess it's because I'm subconsciously trying to keep myself awake, so I ramble. I'm sure my co-worker that night probably thought I was mighty weird.

Do you ever get weary? Do you ever get drained, burned out or just so tired all you want to do is sleep? I think we all do at one time or another. It's nothing to worry about. We go through seasons just like the earth does. Except our seasons are emotional in nature. But those emotions can sure cause a lot of physical symptoms - like my jelly legs last night.

My prayer for you today is that if you get weary, find a time to rest. My brother works the night shift at the U of I and he tends to catch cat naps wherever he can get them. If that's what you have to do to survive, do that. Just get some down time. You deserve it. God didn't mean for us to work 24/7. Even God got Sunday off.

Blesssings to you today.

My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word. — Psalm 119:28