Monday, June 25, 2012

George Family Reunion - Daily Inspiration

Do you ever get together with family that you don't see very often? Our family has an annual tradition, we call it the family reunion. This is my family from my Dad's side. Last year, we had nearly 125 people. This year there wasn't that many, but we still had a fun time.

We have our reunion on the same Sunday of June every year. And we've had this reunion for as long as I can remember and I'm 44 this year. So, I'm not sure how many we've had but we've had A LOT of them.

We have a table for people to peruse photos from previous family reunions. We take family photos every year with whatever people are available to come. Last year, my sister and her family were able to come, but they couldn't make it this year. They live in New Mexico. We have people come from California, Arizona, Arkansas not to mention those of us who already live in Illinois.

They also keep a family scrapbook that is filled with newspaper articles, photos and whatever had happened to people during the remainder of the year. This year I know we're adding a great article by the Belleville paper about my Great Uncle Don Rockwell, his son Donnie, and Donnie's son DJ who have made television broadcasting their careers. Donnie is an engineer at KTVI FOX 2 in St. Louis and I think their station also owns the independent station KPLR Channel 11 in St. Louis.

My cousin, Joey, who didn't make it this year has in the past been an illustrator for Marvel and DC comics and currently does some work for Hasbro, Inc. It's always fun to see his cool drawings.

It's always fun to talk to people at the reunion. My cousin Jeremy lives in California and worked for the AFL-CIO in Springfield before moving to Cali. Now his Facebook says he works for the California Labor Federation. I assume it's the same thing. I never really know. All that political stuff is so over my head.

We have a lot of people with interesting jobs in my family. I have to say, I have one cool family.

What about you? Do you ever get together with your extended family? Do you even talk to anyone you're related to? I have to say that we don't have a similar tradition on my mother's side. Although, there are equally cool people on that side of the family too.

My great aunts used to get together for what they called "Sister's Day". You could do that too. One day where you get together to have lunch, go shopping and just spend time with those you don't see very often any more.

It's always a fun time for us. I'm sure you'll love it too.

Blessings to all.

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