Saturday, June 16, 2012

Focus - Daily Inspiration

Where is your focus today?

It's important that we keep our focus truly aimed at all that we desire. Don't let pooh-pooh thinking sabotage your dreams.

As you focus on your dreams watch for doors of opportunity that spontaneously open for you. And even if a door in your life closes it can only be for your highest good. God has greater things for you.

And when you think about your dreams don't limit yourself. Add the phrase "this or something better." god may want to give you gold and you settle for bronze. Don't do that. Go for the gold.

Now is the time for revisiting all those things you used to love. I've been doing a little of that myself. I've been focusing on one of my old series and letting that experience wash a great feeling of comfort and familiarity all around me. It feels good to go back to old projects we love that time has caused us to push by the wayside.

If you have old dreams left unexplored, my prayer for you today is to revisit them. Let God and his celestial team burn a fire inside you to accomplish those dreams again. God doesn't give us desires he doesn't want us to truly go for with all our heart.

Blessings to you today.

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