Saturday, June 09, 2012

Black - Daily Inspiration

Black is the color of night, darkness, shadows and fear. It is comforting, protective and mysterious. Silence is black. It is infinite. It is associated with the feminine life force - passive, uncharted and mysterious.

Black can prevent us from growing or changing. Black can be depressing and allows us to hide from the world.

In Ancient Egypt black was the color of Isis. Black cats were considered sacred in Ancient Egypt, but during Halloween having one cross your path is a bad omen.

If you wear black you are strong willed and opinionated. But you may be too inflexible and too independent. You may be cloaking yourself in black while you discover exactly who you are.

Those who wear black like to renounce everything out of some stubborn protest. Don't fall into that trap.

We wear black to funerals to show respect to the dead and black is the color that greets us when we close our eyes at night.

Black can be a double-edged sword, can't it? I've stared at a black ocean at night and seen its vastness, felt the calm as the the white crests fell onto the beach in some earthly surrender.

Black isn't all bad. Just like we humans aren't just black or white. We are filled with a million colors, shades and tints. Black is all colors, that's why it seems such a fickle color.

You know the saying "choose your battles?" Be careful not to let the black things of the world overshadow you. Be strong today. Blessings.

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