Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Cancel, Delete, Save - Daily Inspiration

We say use these tools every day in the new world of computers, iPods, laptops, iPad, Kindles and whatnot. Delete that document. Delete that song. I no longer want it. Cancel that computer operation, I messed up. Undo, undo, undo.

Sometimes we need some of these buttons in our own lives. I know my thinkin' can get a bit stinkin' at times. Negativity is a hard thing to control. I've had my mind whirling at a hundred miles an hour before. And it makes me realize that thinking like this can make people think they're crazy.

We need to start canceling, deleting and saving our thoughts. When you catch yourself in negative self talk... CANCEL IT! You can even say it out loud. "I cancel you bad thought, go away." Or you can say ... DELETE! "I delete you bad thought."

And when you catch yourself, turn your thought around to a better thought, a great thought. And then SAVE that thought. You want to keep the good thoughts and get rid of the bad. You may not be able to do it one-hundred percent of the time, but just catching yourself now and then can make a real difference in your mood.

How you think and how you react to others... it's really all up to you. So use these mind tools today.


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