Friday, June 15, 2012

Weary - Daily Inspiration

You gave abundant showers, O God; you refreshed your weary inheritance. — Psalm 68:9

I worked the night shift last night and staying up until 1:30am makes a soul very weary, not to mention my knees were like jelly when I got home. That's what I call pure exhaustion. And when I get exhausted I tend to ramble on about silly things. I guess it's because I'm subconsciously trying to keep myself awake, so I ramble. I'm sure my co-worker that night probably thought I was mighty weird.

Do you ever get weary? Do you ever get drained, burned out or just so tired all you want to do is sleep? I think we all do at one time or another. It's nothing to worry about. We go through seasons just like the earth does. Except our seasons are emotional in nature. But those emotions can sure cause a lot of physical symptoms - like my jelly legs last night.

My prayer for you today is that if you get weary, find a time to rest. My brother works the night shift at the U of I and he tends to catch cat naps wherever he can get them. If that's what you have to do to survive, do that. Just get some down time. You deserve it. God didn't mean for us to work 24/7. Even God got Sunday off.

Blesssings to you today.

My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word. — Psalm 119:28

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