Friday, June 01, 2012

What The Bleep - Daily Inspiration

Check out these images of water under an electron microscope.
The words taped on the side of the bottle are at bottom.
Words have power.

I think we all know that. We've all been stung by their harshness and filled with their love. Words are a double-edged sword.

The important thing is: you get the choice. You get to choose how to use your words. That's pretty great, isn't it? The power is yours. But we think from time to time that our words don't hurt, harm, or crush someone else.

There's a movie that came out a few years ago called "What The Bleep Do We Know?". There was a section of the movie about water. People took bottles of plain tap water and taped words to the side. The two that really stood out to me was LOVE & HATE.

When the scientists looked at the water after a few days, down on the molecular level the water had changed. They showed us images of the water blown up by an electron microscope. Water labeled with LOVE had arranged the molecules in beautiful ways. The water labeled with HATE seemed troubled, boiling, disturbing ( almost like a smoky evil haze).

Since we human beings are 70% water what power do you think these words have on our body and mind?

So, my prayer for you today is to keep you words lovely and sweet. Make the choice to keep your words positive, because harsh words not only hurt others, but they hurt us as well.

Blessings to all.

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