Thursday, May 31, 2012

Fortunate Signs - Daily Inspiration

Today at lunch we were having a going away luncheon for one of my co-workers. We ordered in Chinese food from Hunan House. It's always tasty and very filling. I can't eat another bite, but somehow I'm going to make room for her going away cake later.

I reached for my fortune, eager to see what the universe had in store for me. As I ripped off the outer plastic and cracked the cookie in half I discovered that ****gasp**** THERE WAS NO FORTUNE!

What does that mean exactly? Is that a bad sign from the universe? Have the Gods frowned upon me?


I take it as a sign that today is "Make Your Own Fortune" Day. So, what would you wish for if the universe (God) could give you anything you wanted? Remember to wish big. No sissy wishing.

God wants to give you everything he can. He gave you new life through his son, Jesus, didn't he? That was pretty big. Or as my choir director says, "AWESOME!"

My prayer for you is to think awesome thoughts today. Show kindness to people just because it's so great to be you. Do some big dreaming, some big wishing and some awesome fellowshipping.

Blessings to all.

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