Monday, August 27, 2012

Legacies — Daily Inspiration

Have you ever thought about what you will leave behind for others to appreciate and grow from?

That word, "Legacy," is one I tend to overlook since I have a series called The Legacy. I associate it with my series and not much else. But a legacy is so much more than that. defines legacy as: anything handed down from the past.

Some people I know sponsor children in other countries through different Christian programs like Compassion International or Steven Curtis Chapman's program Shenandoah's Hope. They give water wells, animals like goats, chickens, etc. to people in other countries through programs like Heifer International.

But sometimes, we, the little people, can't have big legacies like these. Maybe you don't have a lot of money to give away. Maybe you are limited by how far you can travel. So, what can you do?

You could get involved in my church's Brown Bag Program. They give food away to children in kindergarten and 1st grade every Friday. The small brown bag has enough goodies to keep some of them fed for the weekend. We have a lot of poverty in our community and any help you could offer here would be wonderful.

We used to do a lot of crafts when I was a kid. My mom would make things out of hemp rope, yarn or 25¢ hand towels from the dollar store. She would do macrame, it's kind of like a rope tying art, and make plant hangers, glass tables that hung in mid air and cool looking owl art. She would crochet afghans and make these cool things from hand towels. She would crochet a strap and button onto the hand towel making it easy for anyone to button their towel to a drawer handle.

Back then, we didn't have a lot of money, and heck, I had no idea we had no money. That was why we crafted so often. I just thought crafting was cool and wanted to do more.

Maybe you can do something like that. Bring back the lost art of macrame, make something only you can make and give it away to people in hospitals. I even knew a gal who took this fleecy fabric that didn't fray when cut and made them into blankets that she gave away at hospitals and to the homeless.

You can make a difference. Give of your time. Give from your heart. And you will definitely leave a lasting legacy to those who come after you.


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

You Have Power - Daily Inspiration

Many of us feel as if we have no power in this world, as if the world is walking all over us, making us do things we'd rather not do. But in a way, we do have power. The power of our energy fields.

God made us in wondrous ways.

Rub your hands together and place them six inches away from each other, palm to palm. Wait a few seconds and move them closer together. That is energy that you have created from the source of all greatness.

You do have power. We all do. We are creators of the Mighty Creator of the Universe, God, the I AM.

We are all surrounded with a field of this energy that reminds us that God is always with us and within us.

So, when you think negatively toward a person, send hateful thoughts their way... They do feel it. At least, they do in their energy field. This is why we need to make our thoughts gentle. We need to make our thoughts great. We need to make our thoughts thoughts that lift not only us up but others as well.

We are all on this journey called the Earthly plane. Let's try to make it better for everyone.

Lift up another person today. Send him or her good thoughts. Be grateful and at peace.


Monday, August 20, 2012

Visit Nature - Daily Inspiration

Do you feel nature calling to you? Do you have the sense you should spend a little time outside? That is your inner sense speaking to you.

When we go outside and connect with nature we become our true selves. When the world began there were no houses to hide inside of. There was only nature, Mother Earth, Terra, Tara, Gaia or whatever you choose to call her.

Go outside and feel the healing rays of the sun, garden, watch the hummingbirds as they fly crazily around from one bird feeder to another, see the ocean and become enveloped by the harmonious sounds of the crashing waves. Whatever it is that appeals to you in the outdoors, do it today.

Make today a great healing day.


Friday, August 17, 2012

Inspired - Daily Inspiration

August has been a very inspiring month. I've been writing like crazy.

I'll bet you're thinking to yourself... But you've only posted a few blog posts this month so far. So how could that be possible?

I write on a great many things, mostly fiction stories. I've got three-ring binders stacked on three-ring binders on my writing table right now. I'm waffling between Cloak & Dagger, Trouble with UFOs, Murder in the Choir Room and helping my brother with his story.

It's actually been quite an exciting time. The flow has been amazing. Nearly every morning I have written something on one of the four stories above. It's great!

I apologize if I've been neglecting you. But I want you to know that when you follow your bliss, great blessings come to you. I may have mentioned that in previous blog posts, but it really is true.

God is love. And God loves when you do what God sent you here to do. If you feel pressured to do something, obligated, or just get that down right icky feeling when you face what you think is your purpose, then that is NOT your bliss. That is not the purpose God sent you here for.

I have heard the saying that you find your purpose when you serve a purpose.

I can hear you thinking again, but writing stories isn't a grand purpose. What purpose does that serve. Shouldn't your purpose be bigger? Shouldn't your purpose change the world?

No one's purpose is small. Everyone adds to the great vibration of the world. And when you serve your purpose with joy, you add to the vibration that is advancing the planet forward. I feel a great awakening  emerging within us all. The divine is in us all, and it is emerging more every day. Your purpose is not small. When you add your purpose to the collective of the planet, the world's purpose is so big it is blinding.

I want you to experience that with me. Be love. Give love and in turn love will give back to you.


Friday, August 10, 2012

Time To Relax - Daily Inspiration

After yesterday's rant, I find it time to take a bit of a breather, mellow out and act all zen-like. Yes, it's time to relax. Now, don't you all start to freak out on me. Relaxation is not a bad thing. We need it. Our body needs it, and yes, so does our mind.

In our busy world that is zipping along at a hundred miles an hour, we need to remember who we really are, the us inside of us. And the only way to do that is if we get quiet, turn off our electronic devices (and that includes the tv) and sit silently listening to the voice of our creator.

I know. You can't get your head to turn off. That's okay. Each time a thought comes up, gently ask it to go away, you'll deal with it later. And if you think you'll forget that sudden thought, keep a pen and pad handy next to you in order to write down your sudden inspirations. But quickly get back into your quiet state.

You may only be able to do it for a few minutes the first time you try. But do try it. Each day you should be able to focus better and feel calmer. You won't believe how great you'll feel after just a week of this. It's amazing stuff.

When you stop to listen, you realize that the universe, God, your creator, I AM, or whatever you call ALL THAT IS, is subtly sending you messages. You'll get sudden insights that seem to come out of nowhere at exactly the moment you need them.

Do try this. You'll love it. And if you need music, do a search on YouTube for meditation music. There are hundreds of videos that can offer you a bit of musical stress relief.

I'm praying for you.

Have Zen thoughts.


Thursday, August 09, 2012

Walk Your Talk - Daily Inspiration

There is nothing that annoys me more than when judgmental people intentionally hurt others feelings just to justify their own position on things. That is not nice, people! Coming down on others with your Debbie Downer attitude is not okay.

And where do I see this type of attitude the most... in the Christian community. These are the people who should know better. These are the people who should do unto others as they would have others do unto them. I don't know if they truly believe that since they are "saved" that they can put people down, hurt their feelings, snub their friendships, blast their music and do whatever the heck they want to do in the name of their Lord.

And sometimes Catholics are worse than the rest. Aren't most of the organized crime people some sort of hard-nosed Catholic? These are the people who kill others, put out hits, do all sorts of bad things and then they go to church and confess in the "booth." Then suddenly everything is all right with the world.

I love going to church. I love singing my joyous songs to the Lord, don't get me wrong. But I have seen a contingent of merely ten people almost cripple a church, rock them to their rafters with so much crap that I wonder if these are really Christian people we're dealing with.

If you've had to deal with stuff like this, I'm praying for you right now. God is in control of it all. I pray that he lifts you up, gives you strength and puts a fire into your belly for the really great things that are still alive in the church.

If you have some Debbie Downers in your life, in your congregation, don't give them power. Tune them out, do whatever it is you have to do to bring the strength back to yourself. Tell them that they need to start walking their talk like Jesus and their stinky attitude is not appreciated in the house of the Lord.

I'm not sure where this rant came from. I have no reason to rant. I'm not mad at anyone currently. I guess I was just led to do it.

So, today, my prayer for you is to walk your talk. Don't be a Debbie Downer. Be a Sally Smiles or a Hugh Happy Face. Think about your words today. Don't be too harsh with criticism. And if you accidently bark a bit too much, tell the other person you're sorry.

Have a great day.


Monday, August 06, 2012

Clear Your Space - Daily Inspiration

Have you been feeling depleted and just blah lately? Maybe you need to do a bit of decluttering. Our emotions are connected to anything physical in our home, old boxes of junk, piles of paperwork we haven't dealt with or even emotional clutter that is fueling different emotions we don't want to have any longer in our live. 

All that useless 'junk' can pull down our energy. Get rid of it. Clean house. Clear your mind. Center yourself.

I'm not asking you to get all fung shui on the rooms in your house. Just assess your environment. See what it is that you no longer need or is no longer serving you.

Doing this strangely enough will help us get in touch with our own feelings. Feel what you really want out of life and then get rid of the things that don't serve you or  the path you want to move to.

After decluttering take time to contemplate on what you really want out of life. You're feeling depleted and blah because you're not living on the true path of your soul. And you're not seeing the path right now because there are too many things pulling down your energy. Declutter and make room for the new to come into your life.

Take time out for you today.


Saturday, August 04, 2012

Reward Yourself - Daily Inspiration

It's finally Saturday. You've had a long week and in your mind all you have to look forward to is more chores. Some of these chores can only be done on the weekend, I understand that. But I want you to remember something.


God doesn't want you to continually put yourself last. You are important too. So, after your hard grueling week, take a little time out for you. Even if you have to schedule this time, it's completely worth it. You deserve to reward yourself for your great efforts this week, even if everything didn't turn out exactly as you planned.

We have to take care of ourselves first. Meditate, do yoga, go for a walk, listen to great music. Whatever it is you do to treat yourself, do it today. Everyone around you will thank you for it. Because when you take care of you, you set a great example to others.

Blessings today!

Friday, August 03, 2012

Manifest Greatness Today - Daily inspiration

Have you ever noticed that the more you think about something, the more you talk about it, the faster it comes to fruition? Unfortunately, for many of us what comes into being isn't always positive.

Your nose feels a bit stopped up when you wake up. And you realize you were also a bit stuffed up yesterday. Could you be getting a cold? This is not a great time to get a cold. You have a lot of things to do this week and a cold would only put a huge chink in your plans ... And so it goes until by the end of the day you have literally manifested a bad cold that is guaranteed to last at least a week.

What exactly happened here?

You had a thought, a slightly negative thought (a stuffy nose). You increased its significance by relating it to a previous experience (you had a stuffy nose yesterday). Then you made an assumption (could I be getting a cold?). After that you put emotion and urgency into the equation (you don't have time for a cold, you have things to do). Plus you added an element of time. (you have things to do this week).

And as a result you have literally manifested a cold into your life. When you woke up it was only a stuffy nose.

Keep in mind that you have the choice what to manifest. If I were you I would take this equation and put a positive spin on it. You could literally manifest greatness.

Stay positive today. And make your intentions for your highest good and the highest good of others.


Thursday, August 02, 2012

Magical You -- Daily Inspiration

You have magic inside you. Every cell of your being is a blessing gifted to this world, but many of us don't truly believe that.

I read an article recently that stated that we could change our DNA structure by the words we say and the frequency at which we vibrate. If you are vibrating at the frequency of love which is like 825 hertz (don't quote me on that number) you can literally speak yourself into health or sickness. Note: I looked up the hertz and discovered that I'm a bit dyslexic. The number is 528 Hertz.

So, watch your words today. You can create miracles by just staying in love and speaking from the heart.

Resonate with love and send it out to the world today.
