Saturday, February 20, 2016

You have the power to take it slow

You Have The Power To
Don't let others dictate your pace in life
by Toni Walker

Have you noticed how crazy life can be sometimes?

You start one thing and then when you've barely begun someone comes along and wants you to do something else. They want you to do something that they deem more important and urgent  Stuff like that really has the tendency to frazzle me especially when I am at work and already busy. 

I want to work at my own pace but other people have their own plans. Needless to say my own pace is pretty fast so I really don't appreciate when other people try to speed me up even faster. 

I know we live in a fast-food society and we want everything to be done instantly but everything in life can't be that way. We need balance. We need to step back and evaluate life once in awhile. Not everyone's agenda in life is more important than yours. 

I really don't know what the motivations are behind these people who continually disrupt us and prompt us to drop what we were doing and hurry up and do what they want.  We act as if what we were working on wasn't important (even if it was). We need to remember that our time is important and what we choose to focus on is important too. 

I think that what we do when we stop to do the supposed urgent task is that we think what they are handing us is indeed more important. Maybe it isn't. This is when we need to stop and reevaluate. What is the real priority here? 

I know when it comes to me I am projecting my feelings on their appearance on the scene and then both judging and labeling their motivations and behavior based on nothing except how they have interacted with me in the past. In a nutshell, it all comes down to me and how I react to the stimulus provided by people I come in contact with.  And just saying that shows me that I am truly the one in control of my own emotions. 

Wayne Dyer once said in a talk that if you're having trouble with someone have them come and see me and then you will feel better. So, I think we kind of fool ourselves into believing that someone else has control over us. And that is totally not true. They are not in your head. They are not you. I heard a statistic once that we say thousands and thousands of things to ourselves on a daily basis and that most of that chatter is of the negative variety. No wonder we drop what we are doing and jump on some one else's priority. We don't think that we are the priority. Heck, we tell ourselves that thousands of times a day. I am here to say that you are worthy. And your time is indeed important. Even if it is only ever important to you... That is enough. 

Nothing anyone can say can harm you... unless you let it pierce your soul. Every day you think you are not important you give those people who interrupt you permission to treat you badly. And most of the time, those people will jump at the chance. 

Take control of your life back!

You are the only person who can decide that you no longer want to multi-task and make some one else's want a priority. If you want to lead a slower paced life, take hold of that. Own it. So, when those people come up to you and want you to do something immediately ... decide that today you will write their request down and then get to it at a time when you are free to do it. And then at that time you can decide where this task lands on your own priority list. If you continue to let people dictate your time, the only person you are hurting is yourself. 


Thursday, February 11, 2016

Visions 2016 - Why I Live Here

I work at the local newspaper in my town. And during February we publish different stories about different counties that surround our little berg. And we call this conglomeration of stories Visions. We were asked this year to write about why we live where we live. 

Here is what I put forth...

Why I Live Here — CENTRALIA, IL

by Toni Walker

"Why I live here" is an interesting question to contemplate. I had never really considered it before. Why do I live here?

I live here because the people I have encountered in Centralia are the most awesome people in the world. Yes, our dear city has its crime, shady elements and whatnot but what city doesn't? I choose to look on the bright side and see all the goodness this city has to offer.

This is the city where I grew up. And with that comes a ton of great memories. I remember the snow in the early 80's when we were stuck at home and everyone in our neighborhood camped out at our house for days because we had the only working fireplace. My sister and brother made an igloo in the front yard and the snow was as high as the mailbox.

I live here because it is where I call home. This is where my parents live. My nieces and nephews, who don't even live here, call Centralia home too. There is a lure to this city that really speaks to people's hearts.

   Have you ever had the feeling that something was meant to be? I know I was meant to be here. I had a choice early in my life if I wanted to move to Chicago and I just had this knowing that this city was where I truly belonged.

   I went to Centralia High School and participated in the Centralia Cultural Society during my high school years. I was shy and drama club really brought me out of my shell. I learned how to be more of myself in my hometown while discovering my love for theater and music.

   Ever since the sixth grade I have been in some sort of choir or worship team and continue to do that until this very day. These days I sing alto in my church's worship team and have a solo every few months.

   A lot of people I know yearn to get away from wherever they live. Move to the big city. Experience life. I have experienced a great deal of life right here at home in Centralia, IL.

   I am a second timer here at the Sentinel. That means I have worked here at two different times in my life. In the late 80's/early 90's I worked for three years in the mailroom, paste-up and as an assistant to the ad staff laying out ads that were to be typeset into the Compugraphic machine.That's all old-school tech nowadays. 

   I work this time around as a graphic designer in what is called Composing. I design advertisements, send plates to the plate machine for different publications and am currently in charge of the TV Weekly that runs every Saturday in the Sentinel. 

I am a third-generation Sentinel employee. My great-grandmother set linotype, my dad was a paperboy and I have had quite a few different jobs here. It is so cool to know that I am a part of the Sentinel's legacy, even if only a small part.

Like I said, why I live here is an interesting question that I think we should all ponder. Ask yourself... why do you live where you do?

-- Toni Walker