Tuesday, November 29, 2016

2nd Ornament finish

Not completely happy with the lettering but it is good enough. 

One ornament down, starting on No. 2

Yes! I completed the stitching on the snowman face snowflake. You can see it hiding behind the hoop. Now I am stitching a Joy to the world ornament. The thing was in petite point but since I am using Aida I have to try to figure out the script lettering on my own

Monday, November 28, 2016


I decided to journal about our lack of a worship leader. Here was my first question to myself:


I though that was a challenging question. I mean, what’s good about that, right? Here is what came up with.

1. We can sing whatever we want. Those songs we wished had been in the rotation, we can sing those now.

2. We are forced out of our comfort zones. Those hiding in the background are forced to be a more visible part of the team. And that is a good thing. We are a team and not just the back up of a worship leader.

3. We are forced to communicate and become more of a true team. We can each put in our ideas and the rest of us listen and evaluate. Not one person has the final gavel to say no to anyone. It is a group effort.

4. We become more of a family unit. Yes, there are fights and disagreements but we get over it and come together in some sort of compromise that not only benefits us but the congregation as well. We love each other and want the best for our team and church.

WIP updates - Crest & Ornaments

I finished my crest for the crest challenge. Some of the black threads from the word "Froggin" came through to the front making it look dirty in places. Where is a snagnabbit when you need one?

Started the ornament challenge last night

Check out my major progress already. Loving it. 

Sunday, November 27, 2016

StitchWhatsIt Ornament SAL

Here are three ornaments I want to tackle for the Ornament SAL. From 2016 Just Cross Stitch Ornament Issue and the Dec 2016 Just Cross Stitch Magazine

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Froggin Crest WIP

Here is my house crest from the Cross Stitch It's Fun's StitchWhatsIt Challenge 

Nearly done. Finishing up the banner. Working on the yellow and I think I will outline it in dark grey. I changed the banner shape so I hope that's okay. 

Thursday, November 24, 2016