Saturday, May 19, 2012

Safe and Secure - Daily Inspiration

I was reading the devotional book "Jesus Calling: Engaging Peace In His Presence." The devotion for today talks about how we feel safe and secure in the presence of Jesus.

When I was very young, I got lost in JC Penneys. Now, I didn't feel lost. I was playing in the racks, jumping in and out between the clothes. Suddenly, I looked up and my mom was no where to be seen.

That's a scary feeling when you lose track of your parents. In my mind, I wasn't lost, they were.

All I had to do was ask the sales lady if she'd seen my parents. She paged them over the loud speaker. Problem solved, parents found.

The look on my mother's face when she finally saw me is the look I imagine will be on my face when I come face to face with Jesus in Heaven. It's a mix of great joy and overwhelming relief. I'm sure it's just like that but ten fold, one-hundred fold, an overwhelming amount of every emotion.

That is why we need to get ready for all that overwhelming joy we will find in Heaven. We need to daily walk with Him, experience His presence.

My prayer for you today is that you move in the direction of Jesus. Make walking with him a priority. Not just now and then, but every day.

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