Monday, May 14, 2012

Sight Reading - Daily Inspiration

On Saturday, members from my FBC choir in Centralia and 12 other churches in Salem came together and sang in a mass community choir. We got involved because of a man named Mike Speck. He's a famous arranger of choral music. Him and his wife and daughter make up the Mike Speck Trio.

When we started the day, the choir was a bit timid, and frankly, not that good. Mike said that he was a bit worried about us. Not many in the choir knew how to read music, but they had a heart for being in a church choir.

I've been in a choir since I was in sixth grade. In high school I was one of only two second sopranos. My least favorite part of competing in awards was doing something called "sight reading".

Sight reading is where they give you a piece of music and you basically have to sing it without hearing the notes.

I suck at sight reading. I do know how to read music, but I need to hear the notes to get them into my head. So, sight reading was always hard for me, especially being only one of two people in an entire section.

Mike's original sight reading of us was wary concern. But as he got to know us, and as we practiced on the four songs we were about to sing, his wariness moved to happiness. Then when time came for the performance, we blew everyone away. I'll bet Mike didn't think that was possible at his first "sight reading" of us.

My prayer for you today is that you don't let your first impression of someone become all you ever think of them. Get to know people more deeply, like Mike Speck did with us. You'll be the better person for it.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. — Jeremiah 29:11

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