Sunday, May 13, 2012

Our True North - Daily Inspiration

Today is Mother's Day. It's the day we celebrate Moms. Moms are the first people we connect with. They are our true north.

I really appreciate my own mother. She's always been there for me. But that's not to mean we haven't had our challenges over the years.

When I was in high school there was a tension between us that I can't rightly remember the cause of. But that happens to everyone, doesn't it? We all have struggles with the people we love.

My relationship my mother was no different, but it's great now. I put our earlier struggles to growing pains, something we all go through in one form or another. Don't let growing pains ruin your relationship with your mother. Don't let another day pass before you work things out and find common ground. Believe me, it's worth the trouble.

My prayer today is for all the mothers out there who taking loving us to a whole new level. Love on your mother today.

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