Monday, June 04, 2012

Orange - Daily Inspiration

Orange is another one of those power colors. While red is associated with fiery heat, orange contains the gentle warmth of the sun. You will experience thoughtful control under the influence of orange. Curiosity will be at its peak too, and along with that you'll feel more compelled to explore new things.

Orange is also a healing color. But it will increase your craving for food, so don't wear it if you're on a strict diet. It could pull that diet into oblivion. Orange means vitality and endurance. People who like orange are thoughtful and sincere. Lady luck is the color of orange.

You should wear orange if you're stressed or shocked or you want to balance your emotions. You will more likely embrace new ideas swiftly wearing an orange color. It also brings out your sense of exploration and creative play.

Put some orange into your wardrobe if you want:
  • To spice up when you feel time is dragging
  • To become more involved in something
  • To increase creativity
  • Relief from things becoming too serious

Sounds pretty cool to be an orange lover, doesn't it? My prayer for you today is to bring out that great creativity you have inside of you and why not throw on your favorite orange shirt just to stimulate those creative juices.

Have a wonderful day. Blessings.

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