Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Thank You - Daily Inspiration

I think it's important to say thank you to people you appreciate. And I've had a lot of people visit my blogs from places all over the world. That is a kind of mind-blowing concept to me. People on the other side of the world can read the words I prattle on about. Hopefully, the words help you or at the least make you smile.

Yesterday, I was creating two new blogs for my series, Legacy of Spies and Ambrose. I'd posted episode one on each blog and thought I might post an episode a week until all the current episodes are on there. (I've also done this with The Hollow, but it already had a working blog.)

Anyway, the reason I bring this is up is that I haven't actually advertised these new blogs and where to find them. But I believe they show up on my Blogger profile page. 

Yesterday, not long after I created the Legacy of Spies blog, someone from Germany had found it and taken a gander at it. That is just crazy to me. How did someone from Germany find it so quickly? This morning I had a total of 4 hits on Legacy of Spies and 3 hits on Ambrose. Is that cool or what?

So, that is why I wanted to say THANK YOU! I have awesome readers. I know I don't get a lot of comments and that is okay. I can see that people are reading what I've posted. And that in itself is GREAT! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for taking the time to come and visit my pages.

I've written web serials for many years now, since 1998, and even in that sort of venue I don't tend to get a lot of comments. That's why when you're a writer, you have to be doing this sort of thing just because you love it. You love the medium and you love sharing your ideas. And that is totally who I am. I may not be able to do it verbally a lot of the times, I know I can do it through the written word.

So, my prayer for you today is to be truly thankful to the people in your life who may not always give you the encouragement you seek but do listen when you put yourself out there.

Have a wonderful day. Blessings.

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