Friday, June 22, 2012

Things Always Change - Daily Inspiration

Our cat died yesterday. And when I say our cat, I mean our neighborhood's cat. This cat didn't belong to any one household. But it sort of adopted us as her main means of support.

My dad fed that cat every day. And usually, the cat shared its food with a possum that seemed to hang around, and two other cats who didn't seem quite as friendly as Cat was.

One of our neighbors called Dad and told him that our cat was lying in his yard. I guess, she just walked until she keeled over. We assume that someone in the neighborhood had poison out for raccoons, skunks, possums or whatever and our Cat got into it.

It's sad. But I imagine our cat is doing cat dances in heaven and maybe our cat even has a name there. Since this cat just adopted us, we never named it. We just called her Cat or Hello Cat or Hello Kitty.

Pets are very important to many people. And to some, just like children. Remember your favorite animals today and treat them with respect.

Blessings to all.

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