Monday, June 11, 2012

God Can Make A Way - Daily Inspiration

After my Week of Color, I'm at a loss as to what to speak about today. But I was reminded by my pastor's blog today that coming in July is the VBS or Vacation Bible School for the kids in our church, in our community, and for any kid who wants to come.

VBS and Sunday School are important in a child's development in the church if you ask me. This is where you learn the important lessons. John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

I also learned the Twenty-Third Psalm in Sunday School. I'm not sure if my church back then had a VBS ministry. So, I wasn't blessed with the fun activities they have in VBS. I think I must have gotten that much later when I was in the Girl Scouts.

I guess no matter what path you take, you do get there eventually. God makes a way for us no matter what road we choose to take.

So, today I just want you to think about that. God makes a way for us when there seems to be no way. Road blocks could be blessings in disguise. Doors of opportunity could be right around the corner. Hold on to that today.

And if you have a child that is the age for VBS. Send them. And it doesn't have to be to my church, there are so many of them around these days. It could make all the difference.

Blessings to all today.

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