Sunday, June 03, 2012

Red - Daily Inspiration

Today is Sunday and I wanted to start a new series of inspirations called The Week of Color. Every day I'm going to speak about a different color and the different effects it has on our minds and our body.

The first color in the series is RED.

Red is a powerful color. And sometimes too much of it can change our mood quickly. Red is the color of anger and irritability. And if this color effects you strongly, you might want to limit how much you use it. So, no red walls for the color sensitive among us.

But red isn't always negative. In fact, it can help us overcome negative thoughts. Cool, huh?

Pink, a tint of red (a tint is a color you add white to) is emotionally soothing and calming, think gentle warmth and soothing. It surrounds us with a sense of love and protection. It also alleviates loneliness, despondency, over sensitivity and vulnerability.

While red is strongly associated to sexuality, pink speaks of unselfish love.

According to Hebrew tradition, the name of Adam, the first man, means "red" or "alive" and even today in some Slavic languages, red denotes "living" or "beautiful."

To the Ancient Egyptians, red was the color of Ra, the sun god, and later in Roman times it was linked to Mars, the god of war. To this day red is still the color of war.

If you prefer to wear red you are impulsive, excitable and energetic. You are ambitious and like things to happen quickly. You like to be the best in everything you do. Plus, being the center of attention, it's certainly in your wheelhouse. If you wear red, you might want to practice patience. Red stimulates us in many ways.

Hard to believe we are so impacted by a single color, isn't it? My prayer for you today is to be sensitive to your color choices this week, choose them wisely. Because they may make all the difference in your mood.

Blessings to all.

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