Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Green - Daily Inspiration

Green is a restful, calming color. It represents nature, life and fertility. It speaks of self-respect and well being and is the color of balance. You also learn better when stimulated by green. Green is a safe color and brings about growth and harmony.

Green is the favorite color of well-balanced people and symbolizes master healing and the overall life force. In the past, it was believed that green was healing for the eyes. And we eat green food for good health.

Green symbolizes money. Friday, the last day of the work week, is a green day. Maybe that's because we're so relieved when it's here. Green says growth - balance - harmony. It is a color of healthy relationships.

Green contains the energies of nature and the want to expand or increase. Balance, a sense of order, change and transformation are found in the color green. Green is necessary for growth, and so this ability to sustain changes is also a part of the energy of green
Put some green into your life when you want:
  • a new state of balance
  • feel a need for change or growth
  • freedom to pursue new ideas
  • protection from fears and anxieties connected with the demands of others
  • to overcome a sense of thwarted ambition

Green is a very restful color, isn't it? So my prayer for you today is to rest up. Take a break from whatever has been bringing you down. Wear green and breathe. You deserve it.

Blessings to all.

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