Monday, June 18, 2012

Go With The Flow - Daily Inspiration

Today is a day to be flexible. Bend like the willow tree. We can learn a lot from a willow. When the high winds come they bend over taking the onslaught yet not breaking. Learn to bend with the challenges you have today. You could come across many choices and if you do, listen to your heart. You always want to do what is for your highest good and the highest good of all concerned.

What is your intuition, your gut, telling you about these new choices today? Which one feels better? It's usually the better feeling choice that is the correct path. But it is all up to you. This is your journey. 

God gives us free will. So if you choose a path that might seem a bit shaky, that's okay. Eventually all paths will lead you back on track. God has a way of steering us in the right direction. Even if we choose incorrectly, he will use that rocky path to teach us something we needed to learn along our life's journey.

So, please be flexible today. Listen to your intuition about the many choices that may assail you. Deep inside, you always know what to do. And if you don't trust yourself, mediate on it and see what God reveals to you.

Many blessings on your path today. I pray it's not a rocky one.

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