Sunday, June 10, 2012

White - Daily Inspiration

Today is the last color in our Week of Color series. And that color is white. White is the absence of color. It is the color of ultimate purity. Yogi and guru masters tell you to imagine the pure white light of God shining down around you.

It is the all around color of protection bringing peace and comfort. It alleviates emotional shock and despair and cleanses emotions, thoughts and spirit.

White can give you a feeling of freedom and uncluttered openness, but too much white can be cold and isolating. This is probably why isolation chambers and police interrogation rooms are usually white. White has the tendency to separate us from people.

White creates space so you can think with more clarity. It is the color of the moon, and surprisingly it's the color of death. White also signifies virginity and pureness.

If you wear white you have a positive, well-balanced personality. You are highly individual, a loner and maybe also lonely.

White is the traditional color of wedding dresses. You wear white when you get christened as a child in the Catholic church. And a person wears a white robe when baptized at my own church.

White is the color of gardenias and calililys. With white holds the possibilities of all things.

I hope you've enjoyed my adventure into this Week of Color. It was all stuff I had learned in graphic design school but was fun revisiting it.

So, my prayer for you today is to think about color, what you wear and why you wear it. Why do you choose the colors you do? You'll find if you delve a little deeper, color truly expresses the real you.


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