Saturday, June 02, 2012

In the Zone - Daily Inspiration

Just wanted to start by apologizing for this inspiration being so late. My Sunday School class (Tiebinders) had an event today at the park. It was titled Karaoke and Art in the Park.

Set up took a little longer than normal because of the complex shenanigans of making the karaoke machine and the speakers talk to one another.

After a couple of ear piercing squeals, we were off to the races. I sang a couple of songs to help them set the levels and then people started showing up. I was happy to see people. We've had one movie night where we just entertained ourselves.

Everyone had a grand time. And when there came a lull in the action it became the responsibility of the few choir members in the class to get the music playing again.

While we were in the karaoke zone, a few of the other members were over at the art wall. Our Sunday School teacher set up four huge walls made of wood paneling and 2x4s. I supplied an end roll from the newspaper and we stapled a huge canvas onto the wood.

All in all it turned out pretty great. Nearly everyone got up to sing, even the shy ones. And the art wall was completely covered, all four of them. They even recovered two of the walls a second time.

I didn't go into this thinking it would be a successful event. But look at how it turned out. God made that happen. How cool is that?

I hope you did something great this Saturday. And if you didn't, my prayer for you is to break out into song. Make a joyful noise. It will make you feel better and put a smile on the face of others.

Have a great day! Blessings.

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