Sunday, July 01, 2012

Inner Bell - Daily Inspiration

I have to apologize for missing the last few days of blog postings. Work has been a bit crazy, at least for me. Plus, at night I've been pouring over this new ebook I purchased called Holly Lislie's Plot Outlining Mini-Course. It' all about, obviously, outlining your plot.

And that has been taking a lot of my focus at night. The lady who writes this is an plot expert. I feel grateful to have even found this book. Not to mention, it's only 99 cents on

She has an easy going writing style that draws you in and teaches you all at the same time.

So, that's what I've been doing in leu of writing my blogs lately. I call it listening to my inner bell. When something rings true for you, that is the path you must follow.

Maybe you should do that more often too. Listen to your inner bell.

What rings true for you?

God gives us all gifts and talents. I pray you find yours today.


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