Friday, July 20, 2012

Big Prayers - Daily Inspiration

Wow! Someone must have been praying for me big... I mean, BIG! I sure got inspired, but I was inspired to write a totally different story. A fiction story, a mystery of sorts. Plus, I've already gotten the first chapter written. I have posted it over at my Edge of Danger blog. And you can see it there. I even made a cool graphic for it. Check it out:

It's funny how quickly inspiration can hit. And I'm so happy to be inspired. But I need some more specific prayers. I need inspiration to write more Creative You Inspirations. Come on, guys. I know you can do it. Sock it to me!

Prayer does work. I've seen it happen with my father when he was in the hospital. I mean, they said he was a gonner. In 2003, he was hit by a car as he was walking across the street in our town. He ended up with a busted spleen, but that wasn't discovered until nearly a week later. But we didn't accept when the doc told us that he had done all he could do. So, what did we do? We prayed BIG. 

And sometimes when you pray BIG God says YES! I want that for you too. Thank you for asking.

And yes, there are times when God says, no. He has the plan and he keeps that stuff close to the vest. But if you can, pray BIG.

Is there something you really want like we did? Keeping dad alive was a pretty big YEAH in the win column. Go ahead and pray BIG for your dreams. All He can say is no. So, why not give it a shot. There may be a BIG YES in your future.


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