Thursday, July 19, 2012

Being In Flow - Daily Inspiration

Have you ever just come up with an idea off the top of your head? I did that today. I was perusing mystery books on and suddenly the idea for a novel came to me. Murder in the Choir Room - An Off Key Mystery. I know it sounds horribly awful, but I couldn't help it. The stuff kept spilling out of my mind. I had to open my TextEdit program and start typing the stuff, getting it down on paper.

I now have two complete pages of characters, character interactions and possible motives. Although, I haven't yet decided who's gonna be dead and who is gonna do it, it as fun to just play with the possibilities today.

Have you ever done something like that? Has inspiration struck just out of the blue? If it has, capture it today. Write it down and run with it.

When something like that happens to me, I call that "Being in Flow." It pours out of my mind as quickly as you pour water out of a pitcher. And if you don't catch the inspiration immediately, the vision you've created could be gone and down the drain.

I pray you become inspired today in the way that makes your heart sing with joy. And don't forget to thank the One who gave it to you.


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