Friday, July 13, 2012

I Heard A Funny - Daily Inspiration

Do things ever strike you funny? Have you heard a truly "out there" claim and you're just not quite buying it. Although, it makes you think... how in the world is that possible?

That happened to me this week.

I heard a story second-hand that spoke about a person I know who has never blown their nose. Can you imagine? Isn't this something you learn as a child? Blowing your nose should be one of those things you learn when you're tying your shoelaces for the first time. It's not something you should struggle with as an adult.

This person just sniffs, and sniffs, and sniffs, but doesn't blow.

The more I think about it, the funnier it becomes.

Do you ever hear things that just strike your funny bone? Laughing is good for us. It helps us to release tension and just makes us in an altogether good mood.

What funny stories have crossed your path today? Let the belly laughs roar and thank that person for making you "release the tension" from your day.


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