Monday, July 09, 2012

Make Today Count - Daily Inspiration

The last few weeks have been sort of hectic for me and thus I haven't been consistently writing on my blog here. I think I might be over-thinking exactly how much I need to write for an inspiration. Some days all I have are tidbits. And other days I have novellas. 

Here is my tidbit for today:

Be here, in this moment. The now. Don't live in the future. What you do now will give you a glimpse into what is to come. Make your now count. 

As you've probably gathered from other blog postings, I've been working on my novel. I'm almost afraid to call it a novel. Makes it more real, I suppose. And all I was focusing on was the end result, that image of my book on a shelf. And thinking about that is GREAT. Don't get me wrong. But in all my future-thinking, I forgot to consider the now. What did I need to be doing right now to get THERE. To that big vision I want to see come into fruition? 

Of course, that's an easy answer. I need to be putting the time into fixing the errors in my book and nailing down the plot to flow in an easy to read manner. I need to work on characterization, making all those imaginary people I spend my day with seem even more real to me.

And I don't have to do this all at once. I can take baby steps. The other day I was reading up on plot and making index cards of plot points I wanted to consider. And that is not a wasted day by any means. That is just one baby step closer to my goal.

What is a goal you want to accomplish? Are you too afraid to pursue it for fear of being ridiculed? If God has put this desire into your heart, then forge ahead. Take one baby step. Work today to make that vision you want to accomplish come to be.

Make today count. Be in the now.


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