Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Live The Life You Want - Daily Inspiration

Your only job is to know what kind of life you want to live most. And find those things in your life that bring you the most joy. Then, keep your mind on those things.

Know what you want, and ask for it, then receive it.

I think the problem sometime stems from the fact that people don't feel they deserve the wonderful dreams they have been conjuring for themselves. They think things never work out for them.

I say, that is pure poppycock! Everyone deserves their best life. No matter who you are. Decide today to believe in the power of your dreams. God gave you those dreams. So, go out and write that novel, build that boat, get that great relationship.

Hold fast in your mind that dream you want. See yourself in your mind's eye getting that dream. Feel how it feels to accomplish your great desire. And keep doing that over and over.

The saying goes, whatever you focus on and put your intention on comes to you.

So, make your intentions great today.


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