Monday, July 02, 2012

Rethink that Thought - Daily Inspiration

You know how when company comes over, and you look at your house and go "UGH!" Well, my mom did that last week. She knew my brother and his family were coming over for a visit, along with my sister and all of her family.

So, mom gets up on the edge of the bathtub and tries to clean a spot that probably would have gone unnoticed if anyone else had been in there. But Moms see everything in the bathroom. "It must be clean" was her mantra. Then up she went and seconds later down she came. Kersplat! Right on the floor of our shotgun bathroom. How she landed so perfectly onto the carpet is amazing. She could have easily hit her head on the sink or knocked into the toilet. But she just landed on the floor and knocked the wind out of her. Oh, yeah and she BROKE HER RIB or at least fractured it. She's getting x-rayed up today at the doc's office.

So, if you feel the need to clean some spot so high up that you must climb onto the bathtub to do it. STOP! Rethink that action today. You don't want to end up like mom, in massive pain and miserable. 

Today is the day to stop, to take a breath and reevaluate your decisions. You may be happy you did.


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