Friday, December 22, 2017

December WIPS (works in progress)

December WIPS

I have been in a really weird mood this December and have not stitched on anything very Christmas-like. I did pick up Star of Magi ornament from Tempting Tangles in an older Just Cross Stitch ornament magazine. All those specialty stitches are giving me fits.

Star of Magi by Tempting Tangles

I am a littler farther than this picture shows but I wanted to show you what the piece looked like.

The next piece is quite a different piece for a December WIP:

Plague Doctor by BuzzBeeDesigns on Etsy

There is a SAL group (stitch-along) on Facebook if you want to join in on stitching this design.
Here is the link to the group if you want to join in:

The other WIP I have been working on is quite an inspiring one…

Power of Love by Stoney Creek

I worked on this most of November because I just needed something easy to do. But that box at the bottom was just too confetti heavy for me. There are three more of those little flowers at the top and I am not doing that. I will replace it with some more of these leaves and vines.

Coffee Quaker by Heartstring Samplry

I have enjoyed working on this. I think I only switched out because I needed something to work on. But this is a great pattern. Check it out if you want to do something on the easy side.

It is all about the finish..

I did have a finish in December.

Cobbblestone Crossing by Stone Street Stitchworks on Etsy

This was a fun and relaxing stitch. It was a good in-between project. The fabric is a bit darker than it is showing here.

Another finish was Honolulu by Awesome Pattern Studio on Etsy

That is all for me on the WIP front thus far. I hope to post a lot more in 2018 of my WIP progress.

Have a good one.

Toni Walker
Creative-You Cross Stitch & Crochet

Check me out on IG: tonispywriter

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