Friday, December 22, 2017

What I am all into

Do you ever look at your stash and suddenly want to stitch all the things? ME TOO!

I was looking, as I said, in my cross stitch pattern/magazine stash and came up with a few I just had to start. 

This is He Is Risen by Little House Needleworks. 
It is in the March/April 2010 Just Cross Stitch Magazine. 

This is Winter Quilts by Ursula Michael
in the January 2006 Stitcher's World Magazine.

Whoops! It is sideways.
Old World Santa by Carol Emmer. It is in the July 2005 Stitcher's World.

The last few days I have just been wanting to stitch so much "stuff" but in reality, I haven't had a ton of time to stitch due to overwhelming times at work. But I cherish the times I do have.

BB Glasses (Before the Bifocals)
Another thing I am all into is wearing by before the bifocals glasses. In 2012 I had to get bifocals. And it hasn't been an easy road. But I discovered it is much easier to read my patterns with my old glasses. I call them my BB glasses (before bifocal).

That is all for now. 

Thanks for checking out my blog

Toni Walker
Creative-You Cross Stitch & Crochet

Follow me in IG: Tonispywriter 


Pam said...

Great back to blogging post! I need to get back to mine. Even have a draft saved : O. Stitch on!

Toni said...

Cool! I used to blog a lot back when I was doing a sot of daily devotion blob. But this will definitely help me keep up to date on what I am doing.