Friday, December 22, 2017

Year of WIPS 2018 - WIP-Apocalypse

Year of WIPS 2018 - WIP-Apocalypse

I am really in the head-space of getting my over 35 WIPs (works in progress) into the FO (finished objects) pile. I do have these bouts of wanting to start all the things. And that is quickly followed by the “I need to get all the things I have done first.”

Last year at the beginning of the year, I was all into wanting to make 2017 the year of the full coverage piece. Obviously, that didn’t pan out. I am not a confetti stitcher. In 2014 (back when I had only 3 WIPS) a small 100x100 full coverage piece called River Road Doorway by Ursula Michael had me all tied up into knots. So, I am not certain how I ever thought I would be a successful full coverage stitcher.

I do tend to gravitate to pieces that are about medium in size and that would fill a 15x18 piece of 14 count Aida. When I did the Pretty Little London city by Satsuma Street, that took me an entire month. If I go by that guide, I should probably only be stitching about 12 pieces a year. But in 2017 I had a record 29 finishes! I even finished a few long time projects like Daisy pixie by Nora Corbett and Daisy Just a Chart by Janlynn (a full coverage piece). 

I had a lot of cross stitch wins this last year. But this has also be a trying year for me too professionally. The last four months has been the most difficult. I am just all kinds of exhausted. I think I need a month off to recover.

I work at a daily newspaper, we own a number of newspapers in one corporation of which we are responsible for the production of most of the ads, special sections, tabs, booklets (our own and some storage unit booklets we subcontract for). The last four years have seen a lot of turnover in our department. Plus we upgraded our systems twice in that time. One was a transition from QuarkXpress to InDesign that made us delve into learning an entirely new system.

During this time I have practically abandoned my reading time and dove straight into my cross-stitching to relieve my stress and get my mind off of everything work related. I am just overwhelmed and weary.

So, yeah this year I will focus on my WIPs and try to complete them. I pulled out a list of my top 19 projects I want to try and complete in 2018. Wish me luck. See the list above for what I am working on. 

Hope you have a great 2018 stitching season.

Check me out on IG: tonispywriter

Toni Walker
Creative-You Cross-Stitch and Crochet


Stitching Noni said...

Good luck with your plans 😄

Toni said...

Thanks, Noni

Michelle Garrette said...

Boo on the last four months being so difficult but congrats on the 29 finishes last year! That's awesome. I love your list and I can't wait to see all the progress, especially Sunflower Fairy!