Thursday, April 05, 2012

Do Not Worry - Daily Inspiration

Give thanks in all circumstances for this is God's will for you in Jesus Christ. - 1 Thessalonians 5:18

I have always been such a 'fraidy-cat when it comes to needles. In 6th grade I was diagnosed with allergies & asthma. They stuck me with a plethora of needles and sharp things that it's no wonder they give me the shivers today.

I spent a majority of my time as a kid at the doctor's office. Maybe that's why as an adult I steered away from doctors. The last time I went to a doctor regularly was in college.

For 20 years I was able to convince myself I didn't need a doctor. Last year I finally relented. All those years of avoiding what I was worried about had only made the conditions I'd developed worse. I knew I probably had high blood pressure and diabetes. My job in St. Louis had made me stressed out (and sitting all day in front of a computer didn't help).

I can count on one hand the number of sick days I took in the 13 years I worked there. I was too worried what they would think if I took a day off. I wasn't really deathly sick. I knew what real sickness felt like, didn't I?

Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? - Matthew 6:25

Trying to do my best and never getting sick became my mantra. I had too much to do to be sick.

A couple of years ago I nearly passed out giving too small vials of blood. All those years of avoiding the doctor had turned into a full blown phobia.

Stress and worry had taken over my life and those fears were showing up in physical reactions. Can any of you relate to this?

When we avoid things we develop phobias about them and when we dwell on what we cannot change we only make ourselves unhappy and a bundle of frayed nerves

Releasing worry and stress is a process. I'm a lot better today but I work on it every day.

My prayer for you today is to admit if you're stressed and prone to worry. Take steps today to find relief. Don't go another day without talking with someone who doesn't push your buttons. Write your frustrations out in a journal. Do what it takes to help yourself.

When we're stressed we try to take on the world, and we usually do it alone. Don't be that type of person anymore. Begin the healing process today.

Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? - Matthew 6:27

1 comment:

Lori said...

Very insightful, Toni.