Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Modern Parable - Daily Inspiration

The Lord will guide you always, he will satisfy your needs. - Isaiah 58:11

Imagine you are at a resort. It's unfamiliar. You've barely had time to look around. Suddenly, the power to the entire resort is gone.

The guests all gather outside, including you. It's a pitch black, moonless night. The night manager stands in the center if the group. He's a calm voice among the storm of concerned voices. He asks everyone to stay together and follow him.

No one is used to the dark. Their eyes haven't adjusted to the darkness. The night manager assures the crowd that he was out earlier for his break. His eyes have adjusted. "I know this area very well. Stay close and follow me."

Some utter concerns about getting lost, snakes, spider or other wild animals, but the night manager ask them to focus on his voice and he will get them through. In the end he leads them safely to a resort close by.

Jesus is a lot like the night manager in this story. He doesn't tell us we'll have a danger-free life. He promises to be our guide through this journey of life. And if we stay close to him and keep our eyes on his purpose, he will get us through safely.

God's promises are like stars. The darker the night, the more brightly they shine. - David Nicholas

Today is the one-month anniversary of this daily inspiration blog. I hope you've enjoyed it. My prayer for you is that you put your trust in the One that will lead you safely in the dark and get you home safely.

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