Sunday, April 22, 2012

Long Way Home - Daily Inspiration

I was driving home from the store listening to the top 20 countdown on my local Christian radio station. The number 19 song was "Long Way Home" As I was listening to the lyrics, I realized I must have had my ears closed to the message in my few previous hearings of it.

Basically, what it's saying is that if your great adventure of life is filled with so many stumbling blocks that you can't see the road - that's okay. You're just taking the long way home.

Taking the long way doesn't mean you're missing God's favor or plan. He's always right by our side. Taking the long way may be a bit of a rougher road, but when you come out on the other side you'll be a much better person. Because through your trials you've learned great lessons. Every move you make is part of His plan.

My parents used to call the long way taking the scenic route. And along the scenic route you get a much better view if the country. Similarly, just like taking the scenic routes in life show you a richer, though maybe filled with obstacles, more wonderful world.

My prayer for you is that if you're struggling on your long way home, take heart, God is there with you. Allow yourself to soak in His presence. Let him lift you up. And if your road seems pretty straight and narrow, why not take the scenic route once in awhile. Bust out of your comfort zone. You'll be a much better person for it.

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