Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Musical Birthday Message - Daily Inspiration

Today is my birthday, so, I thought I'd send you a musical message today. Music is very important to me. I sing alto in my church choir. (And if you're an alto, our choir needs YOU!)

All is well. All is well. You are Lord, and all is well. You're the hope of my heart and a piece beyond myself. You are Lord and all is well. — Kathy Troccoli "All is Well"

Do you listen to Christian music? I do. I love how the musical message in the song can feed you even when you don't know it. And it happens right through your radio, CD or MP3.

I've often gotten into my car and heard the same song over and over. Is this God speaking to us through music? That happens to me all the time. When I'm dwelling on something that makes me anxious, sad or depressed, there is always a song that speaks to me, comforts me and makes me feel better.

God knows what we need.

I think God speaks to us through songs by drawing our attention to them over and over. It's like a heavenly "LISTEN UP!"

Sometimes your blessings come through raindrops. Sometimes your healing comes through tears. Sometimes a thousand sleepless nights is what it takes to know you're near. Sometimes trials of this life, are your mercies in disguise. — Laura Story "Blessings"

Are there times when you are being a bit hard-headed and have shut your ears to your friends, your family and even God? I think this is when God puts music into our path. Music isn't scary. It soothes us. Music soothes the savage beast, right?

There have been times when I've been in a horrible state of mind during the day running the garbage over and over in my mind. But then I get into my car and drive home... those five minutes of listening to my favorite christian radio station refresh my mind and give me a great sense of peace.

We all need that, I think.

So, my prayer for you today is to really pay attention to the musical messages God is sending you. When the storms of life come your way let that song God sends you give you the peace God is trying to convey.

I'll praise you in this storm and I will lift my hand. You are who you are no matter where I am. And every tear I cry, you hold in your hand. You never left my side and though my heart is torn, I will praise you in this storm. — Casting Crowns "Praise You In This Storm"

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